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  1. Eviction Notice

    No more support for BFV

    what do you mean hardline was a bomb ass game
  2. Eviction Notice

    No more support for BFV

    and still hardline survives
  3. Eviction Notice

    Starter PC Build for a friend

    @Bert >it looks nice
  4. Eviction Notice

    77777777777777777777777777777 Org page

    add me to rivals please and thank you
  5. Eviction Notice

    Helper Discussion

  6. Eviction Notice

    Starter PC Build for a friend

    one does not simply state they 'won't be overclocking'
  7. Eviction Notice

    An Open Letter to the PH Staff Team

    Open letter to PH Staff: bring back dumb rating, dumb rating does not bring toxicity, community is toxic on its own
  8. Eviction Notice

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    Last time I took part as pilot I managed to get @rogue to block up an entire bridge and also broke down right outside a depot, causing a ten-truck pile-up. Alot of honking was performed.
  9. Eviction Notice

    Legalising weed

    weed tax would be spent on more weed by the elite duh
  10. Eviction Notice

    Legalising weed

    yeah they probably lined that shit with some other stuff tbh
  11. Eviction Notice

    Legalising weed

    Having experienced an incredibly bad trip from taking this stuff, I still believe it should be legalized. Clearly if you have experience with the stuff, you know what is a good amount to take. But yeah, I agree with the 21 rule, weed's a lot different to alcohol in terms of the effects and...
  12. Eviction Notice

    Increased Prop Count for Honorary

    yeah okay sure why not
  13. Eviction Notice

    Increased Prop Count for Honorary

    because you didn't have an expanded limit
  14. Eviction Notice

    Increased Prop Count for Honorary

    I like the concept of the increased props for role-play, however I don't think the trade-off is very worth (referring to the performance hit of-course.) edit: let's try it whats worse that could happen
  15. Eviction Notice

    Israel and Palestine?

    what if world say no
  16. Eviction Notice


    help i want to murder everyone
  17. Eviction Notice

    Israel and Palestine?

    western peeps having a go at each other over some place that may as well be fictional considering how little it affects their lives lul
  18. Eviction Notice

    daily reminder as to if server has changed to evocity

    can we play on your server please
  19. Eviction Notice

    More donations

    my guy im not even gonna comment on the fact you want micro transactions for some gmod server what the fuck is your sense of money, those prices are ludicrous
  20. Eviction Notice

    Carried by Husky/bevve/bEAVER/L1NK/nykontract

    liked for banger backing track
  21. Eviction Notice

    My critiques of PLPD and PLPD online.

    @Samuel can guarantee you had an input in some way or another, either way the whole "require a lot of work" excuse is rather weak and undermines the entire point of the vote: to give us the system we previously had, not some btec knock-off where everyone and their mother had access to both TFU...
  22. Eviction Notice

    My critiques of PLPD and PLPD online.

    @Samuel Nice to know someone who had a very big input as to how the revert was done is biased, very cool.
  23. Eviction Notice

    this is the last thing you see before death

    this is the last thing you see before death
  24. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 01/04/2020

    Is this a funny haha or serious? It's hard to tell at this point.
  25. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    we get it you want people infected stop being a whiny bitch just because people made jokes on the internet
  26. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    gl dispersing british lot
  27. Eviction Notice

    [CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

    Not even a full lock-down for the UK, just closing non-essential shops (which should've been done in the first place.) I can guarantee a lot aren't going to listen and this'll change by weeks end anyways, bit disappointed they've decided to give the public another chance however.