Increased Prop Count for Honorary

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Description of the idea: I believe those who are Honorary (or similar*****, or specific users) should be given permissions (or client permissions) to an increased prop count. This will be exceptionally useful for Hotel Tyla Jai tomorrow @Samuel.

Why should this be added? (pros): Better PassiveRP Opportunities

What negatives could this have? (cons): Risk of Performance hit and unfair advantage in raid defences, this can be fixed by either restricting it to specific clients, explaining the increased count is for role-play reasons or give a notification which says "You've hit the prop limit for regular users" so they are aware that any more raid defences are taking the piss.

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]

@Samuel @TinySlayer @Collier @Madda

******* similar includes me
I like the concept of the increased props for role-play, however I don't think the trade-off is very worth (referring to the performance hit of-course.)

edit: let's try it whats worse that could happen
also why not let us try it and see, doubt youll notice a difference tbh since its only gona be me that uses this
Restricting it to a small number of players won't help much. Instead, staff should be able to give players temporary permission to place more props. Additionally, you could be given these permissions permanently but only by senior administrators or higher.
yea/h prob better than honorary, either a separate rank or some sort of client perm would be nice
I hope it's not but it definitely could be true but still, I think this is a better solution if it can be implemented (or something similar to this).
Not only do I think that a lot of players deserve more props I also believe that some honorary members who were staff members before and who the Senior Administrators trust should be given the possibility to administrate the server rules if by any means necessary.

(note; I am by no means saying that I should be given the possibility to deal with players since I understand why people wouldn't trust me lol)
We used to have this problem at Trapani Pasta all the time. To really decorate the restaurant they way we wanted, we already needed 2 people just because of the prop limit.

here is an image to give you an idea 1586820218444.png

Don't forget that the food on the table also counts as props/dropped items. We had to ask customers to pick it up first and then put it on the table simply because the prop limit was too low, which was kinda aids tbh. I am a big supporter of highering the prop/dropped items limit. I understand that in some situations like defense it could be too OP, however a simple rule like "you can't have more then (x) amount of wooden barricades in 1 base" would solve this problem. And i really dont see much problems regarding lag. How much extra lag would a few tables and chairs actually add?

I dont think a specific rank should get permissions to drop extra props and i dont think it should be something you can apply for because its gonna be very hard to determine who is going to abuse it and who is going to use it for fun rp purposes. I think everyone should get it when they have premium and just make the server rules a bit stricter so people won't abuse it.

edit: staff members giving the player permission to place down more props would be a very good idea. Only problem i have with that is that there are not always senior/devs/owners online. Maybe give the permission to admins or mods aswell.
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