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  1. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    @zXDroNEXz Literally had a growing operation at Amber yesterday, had a full defense set up and two industrial growers down with plenty of room to spare. Also, it's a game, don't use the excuse "muh smell."
  2. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    Alot of the store properties don't allow you to place down the drug-cooking-table-thingy, such as The Amber & the small shops in the city apartments. Please fix, these probably won't be used much otherwise.
  3. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    gotta manipulate those server statistics omegalul
  4. Eviction Notice

    Update Log - 9/11/2019

    Do an event for the map opening, that should bring some players.
  5. Eviction Notice

    Map Rotation

    /me kicks door and shoots
  6. Eviction Notice

    Map Rotation

  7. Eviction Notice

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    mistakes happen, better to own up to them rather than say "well its done now no point in going back"
  8. Eviction Notice

    Why aren't you playing (pt 2)

    now anyone with knowledge of recoil has to spend a ridiculous amount pumping ammo into a static target to get an elaborate stat up just so they can match up against others of a similar skill, doesn't seem very rewarding or fun to me
  9. Eviction Notice

    server is dying thread number #420 and counting

    i'm still campaigning for PH to revive both itself and HL2RP by having its own server, what's there to lose other than some dosh, though I guess fredy is lacking in that department considering the amount of players
  10. Eviction Notice

    wow lelios that was a real knee slapper! good one! :D

    wow lelios that was a real knee slapper! good one! :D
  11. Eviction Notice

    hello im reformed guys

    hello im reformed guys
  12. Eviction Notice

    San Francisco Vacation/Study Trip with school

    That's a dumb amount of money for a school trip, that's more than (or just about) a quarter of my total student fees for my four-year course. big nono hombre
  13. Eviction Notice

    why are you heavily geared huh

    clearly your heavy gear failed you
  14. Eviction Notice

    Special AR

    and stop a clown's act? nah, this is good
  15. Eviction Notice

    montage but after every clip is metagaming

    i don't know bro seems kinda homosexual to me
  16. Eviction Notice

    16Personalities - Electric Boogaloo

    look at me guys I challenge social norms, facts don't care about your feelings, intellectuals rise up
  17. Eviction Notice

    This thing worth playing still?

    Sam what the fuck
  18. Eviction Notice

    Stuff to watch netflix.

    Okay so basically here's my comprehensive Netflix starting line-up which are must-sees: Stranger Things (I know, such a basic bitch) Bojack Horseman Brooklyn 99 Black Mirror Breaking Bad tl;dr - if it starts with B, it's probably worth a watch. hmu if you wish for a separate list of weeb...
  19. Eviction Notice

    The Health Lottery

    RESULTS: 10/08/2019 19 4 15 6 10 Congratulations to the winners of today's draw, your prize will be transferred to your bank-account shortly.
  20. Eviction Notice


    "i see some idiot in gmod jump off a bridge so im gonna do it in real life" yeah sorry chief sounds like an awful lot of hoopla to me
  21. Eviction Notice

    PERPHeads - Rock With You

  22. Eviction Notice

    PERPHeads - Rock With You

    calm down reece, don't get pissed off now
  23. Eviction Notice

    Jack's Weekly Lottery

    You really gonna try and smoke me out by decreasing odds? Aight bloke, you're on.
  24. Eviction Notice

    Add a recall option at CH reception

    literally what is the point in staging an assassination attempt if you can just vote the mayor out?
  25. Eviction Notice

    Use of force whilst Secret Service

    not our fault the pd's command makes dumb decisions
  26. Eviction Notice

    The Health Lottery

    WEEKLY DRAW - 02/08/2019 Prize Pool: 100,000$ PRIZES Match five numbers: 50,000$ Match four numbers: 25,000$ Match three numbers: 15,000$ Match two numbers: 10,000$ *please be aware, multiple winners for each prize pool will result in the winnings being split; for example, two winners who...
  27. Eviction Notice

    The Health Lottery

    WHAT DO WE DO? The Health Lottery is an organisation created to support sweaters in Paralake as well as give back to the community as a whole for their charitable donations; donations which can win them large cash prizes! The money raised from tickets purchased fund both the lottery's...
  28. Eviction Notice


    get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground you're gunpointed get on the ground get on the ground
  29. Eviction Notice

    >thinking i'd be in a group chat that's the step where you got it wrong

    >thinking i'd be in a group chat that's the step where you got it wrong