Special AR

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Islexic/Artur Bean
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sorle/Idk
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_1:0:51990442
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Very toxic, I believe he is jealous of my lambo.
Evidence (Demo Required):
salty sorle.PNG

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ye my bad bruh, i was pissed off at other shit when i made those replies and i'd like to think the person i directed those at can look past them now but if not it's understandable

sorry about that
Those weren't directed just at kjm. I believe u are the most toxic player of perp and u need to go.
they were except for the one from a few days ago which has been seen by staff already and feels like it's been added in for no reason

again im not making excuses, its still my bad, i need other ways to vent when i'm pissed off because redirecting it at people on the forums is just toxic and ineffective
@Sorle bruh i've been personally attacked on my own profile you don't see me telling people to get cancer and die. Grow up dude.
@Islexic yeah I've been popping off way too much and all I can do at this stage is apologise, it's your choice whether or not to accept my apology

i disagreed with your actions which is the source of the original post, the first post was in no way intended to be a personal attack

btw you can report stuff on the forums privately instead of making ARs - the person you're reporting won't know they've been reported by you - report button just under the post
@Islexic the apology isn't directed at you because you're being a fucking snowflake to piss people off but ur just clowning urself - being petty doesnt gain u any respect or friends, no one likes u for that precise reason

@kjm genuinely sorry to u
All a staff member has to do is look at your signature to see you two have some sort of hatred or gay love for one another, for the sake of them both being embarrased close this
Admins sorle is very toxic and has hurt my feelings very much I would like a forum apology and 100k ingame
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