Search results

  1. Casey Heller

    Have you been a targeted individual?

  2. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Key fob (unlock/ lock vehicles from a distance)

    Just to sorta circumvent the whole minge-car thievery I'd say it shouldn't let other players (except buddies) immediately into the driver seat. Otherwise, very nice QoL improvement (which seems original) I'd also recommend the radius to be *quite* small, for example, residents of Regals 4/5...
  3. Casey Heller

    If you could unban someone from the community who would it be? ( /s , /hj ) Good submissions from most, but amazed I haven't seen this one. No forum so can't tag but absolute our best 12/10 minge that is probably the root of my PLPD career
  4. Casey Heller

    Perpheads V6 Expectations

    Looks a little more source than engine. New combat yes any style other then current, 3 weapons feel usable, the age of the system is showing - its also kinda movement diff convo. No new jobs needed, unless perhaps they rewarded/expanded on the user experience Why new currency? Just invest in...
  5. Casey Heller

    [ RELEASE ] Havi's NYPD-PLPD Police Department Reskin Pack

    Gonna +1 if this could be the case, I'm sure you can adjust game audio and thatd be it but it would also lower all the other sound effects
  6. Casey Heller

    Pets of PERPHeads

    I've got one honorable little cat and one derpy little beagle mix named Jill (although she goes for a shorter-hair style these days) :)
  7. Casey Heller

    Following for Psychosocial cover

    Following for Psychosocial cover
  8. Casey Heller

    Upcoming Fireworks song suggestions

    Define "reasonable BPM"?
  9. Casey Heller

    Feliz Cumpleaños!

    Feliz Cumpleaños!
  10. Casey Heller

    Feliz cumpleaños!

    Feliz cumpleaños!
  11. Casey Heller

    Happy Pride Month 2024!

    me considering coming out too a community I've been apart of since 2014 then reading these replies.
  12. Casey Heller

    Model Suggestion Crocs

    PH Meta: SCAR + Rollerblading agility buff
  13. Casey Heller

    PERP Controller Montage

    Wii Remote you won't
  14. Casey Heller

    Update Log - 15/05/2024

    Hell of an update, can't wait to get too see all of this soon! Good work everyone! Do filing cabinets have a storage purpose? If the Mayor activated City Bailout, is it a justifiable reason to assassinate him? Storage limits of each new crate? Is the wardrobe functional? If so, will it's spawn...
  15. Casey Heller

    Happy Birthday bud!

    Happy Birthday bud!
  16. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Bank Security Job

    yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes Love the style and thought of the mission. But whenever Security gets dispatched, you'd figure they would know they would be walking into a death trap right? Maybe mission complexity would have security be delivering, and in the middle at...
  17. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Self enforcing 3.21: Make NPCs react to violent crime.

    I like this suggestion a lot, very useful for both civilian and police. I agree with Fielding, why not Roadcrew? They are a business and work closely with the PLPD - so I don't see a reason as to not.
  18. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion add key bind

    I always just thought it was only me! Yes! It's also a lot of loading bars and misc stuff like bandaging other players, or confiscating - I've had to come out of pocket for a few citizens because of this.
  19. Casey Heller

    Tyla Jai

  20. Casey Heller

    New pfp you won't no balls

    New pfp you won't no balls
  21. Casey Heller

    PERP Gamemode

    lmao the thought of "owning the gamemode" is like trying to own one particular slide in the public park. Bnje is right, this guy is just a nuisance, no idea how he was around as long as he was. I kinda wanna remember how he thought he owned the gamemode tho
  22. Casey Heller

    Everytime I see your username now Crack Miser just goes on loop in my brain...

    Everytime I see your username now Crack Miser just goes on loop in my brain :banghead::banghead::banghead:
  23. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Hex Code for Speedometer Colours

    Yeah. I don't give a fuck about my speedometer or fuel gauge and I think this is a great suggestion - nice QoL improvement.
  24. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Warning system to avoid buying anything by mistake.

    However, many pistols (smaller weapons, often crowded together) will not have the same treatment as SMGs/ARs, and the same may go where there's a custom reticle or attachments I wanna ensure before buying. Maybe even if the weapon is 5k+, but nude of attachments, it won't get the confirm box...
  25. Casey Heller

    Goodbye (ish)

    I was honestly shocked to see you were a part of the split, but I understand you had to - best wishes for what's ahead of you, you've given all your best, and despite our differences one of the better Admins/Chiefs to just chill about with. Come back to give me a 1-1 patrol in PLPD, you won't...
  26. Casey Heller

    Bug Report (Bad link to Help page within Player Guides.)

    Type of Bug: Website Description of the Bug: Bad link to Help page within Player Guides. How to reproduce the Bug: Go to Player Guides on Forums > Click Time Stamp: 00:00 Errors: "The requested page could not be found." I suspect this is because the hyperlink...
  27. Casey Heller

    All good things must come to an end... for now

    Duplicate: JK. But in all seriousness, I only wish the best for you and I seriously hope you make a return just as you did previously. The staff team is right to offer you coming back as Senior Mod when you're ready...
  28. Casey Heller

    thanks its based on a true story lol

    thanks its based on a true story lol
  29. Casey Heller

    Happy Birthday Blobvis!

    Happy Birthday Blobvis!