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  1. Casey Heller

    Hello I want beetle

    A Beatle
  2. Casey Heller

    Should police be able to make CPR

    Hence, this is why I suggest it being embedded with First Aid
  3. Casey Heller

    Should police be able to make CPR

    I'd especially think Snrs+ would benefit doing CPR while others investigate, to keep a suspect alive - or while other officers are investigating a scene.
  4. Casey Heller

    Should police be able to make CPR

    What if it was based on the First Aid skill? With the exception being FFs, of course.
  5. Casey Heller

    special message

    gotta do what ya gotta do
  6. Casey Heller

    I need actors

    Would love to help VA, or even Behind the Scenes.
  7. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Punishments for Officers within PLPD

    I like the idea of adjusting the less-career focused Non-Adverse Actions being given to Sgts, giving leadership the chance to Quality Control/Course Correct (as part of the job) before taking it up an entire panel of SMT. I think we should be looking at where the source of the problem is, which...
  8. Casey Heller

    The Best Airline

    Where's Delta? I understand primarily Atlanta brand, but tbh they've got a good international reputation! p. s Air France is listed twice, heard good things so makes sense!
  9. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Cause shotgun bullets to cause bleeding out quicker

    Oh! I thought it was about the bleed itself, not unconscious state! I mean, regardless, I still support this, but I agree with your previous comment, reducing it slightly, 1/1:30
  10. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Cause shotgun bullets to cause bleeding out quicker

    +Support Remington is an amazing weapon already, but sometimes I hit targets so close I could spit on them, and they run it off like they just stubbed there toe. Then two seconds later when I'm chasing them they just flick and gun me down.
  11. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Dispatch pay

    +1 The pay needs to be absolutely fixed. Also, leaving this here:
  12. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Warning tickets ($0)

    +1 this. Also, instead of just inserting the ticket penalty and reason, a checkbox system should be added where the Officer can check the box relevant to the law broken, and the ticket book automatically suggests the fine amount and gives a brief template of how the suspect committed the act...
  13. Casey Heller

    Random PD Skins

    A lot of opinions for new cars, and lots of interesting models! How about something for Patrol? Probably the longest overdue request of that division. C'mon, anything. Anything but the SRT-8. It's time for it to go, no whammies, let's go.
  14. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion New 10 Code

    Which in my eyes, is a larger part of the problem. Day after day my expectations of competency from a no-chevron officer goes lower and lower. For a LONG TIME Patrol has needed to do something about the people that are coming through the doors, and that's true now more then ever. Some of these...
  15. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion New 10 Code

    I don't think the problem is selecting which set of codes we use, but just the fact that we should find better ways to use them. It's not uncommon for a department to have specific codes, but we should probably formalize our own, then set which ones are the most important, and teach that.
  16. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion New 10 Code

    I remember there being a list of most useful radio codes on the PLPD handbook - may be there still if I am not mistaken. I say we make it a bit more obvious, select 20 or so most useful codes and put them on the handbook, and make a question on the Officer/Snr. exam regarding the radio...
  17. Casey Heller

    Greeting everyone

    You've come to a great place to meet people from all around the world! If you've got questions, you can ask here or in-game with /help! Don't forget to check out, absolutely mad resource!
  18. Casey Heller

    Scaramanga Legal Firm

    Love this! Will integrate and allow it in my day-to-day. But please for the love of God move the "Legal Firm" out the way of lady justice.
  19. Casey Heller

    Schedule an Observed Patrol!

    Great to hear! I'm interested in helping, and I'll inbox you for more details, excited to see how accessible it will be and play out!
  20. Casey Heller

    Schedule an Observed Patrol!

    WHY Frankly, as seen over the course of years, many officers who want to make a name for themselves struggle getting in touch with superiors who can give them the leg up they need. More so recently, many newer officers are taking the law into their own hands, not understanding Use of Force...
  21. Casey Heller

    HI my name is aloo89

    Heya! Been fun to patrol and get in shenanigans with ya!!
  22. Casey Heller


  23. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Beanbag guns

    Okay, it'd have its uses in melee confrontations, but that's about the only common scenario I could think. Although, I could also imagine it comes in handy in crowd disbursement! Only other tool for that I can imagine is the flashbang, and I don't think TFU would appreciate that. Not mentioned...
  24. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion organized illegal racing made easier

    But for something like this, there can be /so much more/ done to encourage these events! I'd bet if you followed my advice of collecting interest in-game/on forums, finding people (or leaving public) a link to a Discord server or group chat, had some registration process (so a Chrysler 300C...
  25. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion organized illegal racing made easier

    As Simon said, the best way to have this done is just off-site. You can perhaps setup a site (or form) where interested parties can sign-up, register their cars for various leagues (like skill based matchmaking), and host/announce them as you see fit. I believe we've seen this done quite a bit...
  26. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Beanbag guns

    I don't think this would happen, but here's what I would do different. I'd change this to reflect the current policy to the corporals remington, carryable at all times. Having it only/necessary to retrieve out the trunk makes it really weak, and I feel like it would never be used. I wouldn't...
  27. Casey Heller

    I'll be the judge of that...DM me.

    I'll be the judge of that...DM me.
  28. Casey Heller

    April Fool's

    Exciting stuff! Today just pretty much became a snow day, can't wait to see the whole pop in casino fighting over wheel spins.
  29. Casey Heller

    See ya in 6 months :'(

    See ya in 6 months :'(
  30. Casey Heller

    PLPD Business Cards!

    Pretty much, yeah. Just has been a /me "hand then a small piece of a paper" followed by a /desc of the link. Though, people can word this however they please