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  1. Casey Heller

    [VIDEO] How to create and modify weapon skins.

    earned my YT like, damn good video Can't wait to see graphic artists take this up and start getting commissions!
  2. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion PLPD Corporal warrants

    Very different takes and placement of trust for every other party. On one hand, I think some sort of governmental politics is what we need, to encourage a roleplay relationship that's important instead of the Mayor being some damsel-in-distress RNG chore event that may give you a pay boost...
  3. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion See results of IA's even if there is no punishment

    Was an IA investigator for a short amount of time. I know how IAs and CC work. I'm just suggesting that IA can suggest different sorts of training along with their decision, or, in place of traditional punishment.
  4. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion See results of IA's even if there is no punishment

    Down for this, IA should also be able to utilize Trainers (or vice versa) to further improve officer conduct. After the investigation is finished the IA investigator should have the option to tick a box to refer the case to the defendants appropriate trainer team. Could open pathways for...
  5. Casey Heller

    Map Suggestion Moving the courier warehouse

    Wonderful idea, I was gonna say swap it with Taxi and move it somewhere closer to spawn, but this sounds much more creative. EDIT: inb4 death by suicider Parazon Fullfilment Center.
  6. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Hazard pay

    Definitely more incentivizing to stay alive, but PLPD is just black screen simulator if you don't have TFU :/ I could support this, but I'd be down if it came in the form of a raise.
  7. Casey Heller


    That's impressive, I never knew! I mainly have just been playing the zombie gamemode it came with, and mainly TTT! I'll put it on the list and come back soon!
  8. Casey Heller


    lmfao rely on bored 20-somethings to recreate a near 1:1 VR equalivanet of their fav game. I was able to score Pavlov for free from Sidequest, and it's never given me an issue! I've seen the price elsewhere, unsure if I'd get anything out of it
  9. Casey Heller


    Saving for it now, have a Quest 2 so gonna play it there! Hear many good things and that it's massively better then BWorks, so excited!
  10. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Perpheads US based Server

    I think you missed his question - I think he was just talking about performance-wise, wouldn't it improve the server?
  11. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Perpheads US based Server

    Ah how long was this? Also, ping abuse how? I'm sure there's a way to counteract it. I'm sure if he hated Americans so much he wouldn't allow them to join his server or accept there Paypal donations.
  12. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Perpheads US based Server

    I'm in this camp. After some time, I just dealt with it and learned to play with it. Now I have good enough internet + a pretty good computer. Any ping is either because I'm in a bustling bazaar/nasty shootout, or other server issues/events. Fredy isn't God or my dad. Fredy also said "yeah dw...
  13. Casey Heller

    Map Suggestion Expanding the highway bridge (City to Business)

    Definitely well needed, I'd even go as far as to throw in a break-down lane, just cause. Also, some speed humps or something up in Business Street towards Bazaar would be a massive improvement!
  14. Casey Heller

    Map Suggestion Prison area change, expansion, and jailing feature overhaul

    inb4 jail becomes smoke sesh with the bois +1, but like Malek said it may just get folded into V6 (hopefully not), but overall very creative and laid out +support
  15. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Job Milestones

    Risky, could cause a lot of medics or FFs to be "too little, too late" Overall, +1 - I'm sure CMs can find a simple and creative way to introduce something like this!
  16. Casey Heller

    Server Suggestion Ubereats (food courier job)

    Great idea! How much would it pay? Would tipping be thing!? Love to hear how that'd work
  17. Casey Heller

    Does VIP Benefits need rework?

    Lol don't give Freddie any ideas.
  18. Casey Heller

    Does VIP Benefits need rework?

    With this in mind (as I still thought we we're getting 26-35k/hour), the price makes sense. But HOW? Is it coco+meth? I'm a shit shooter without TFU, and can't raid worth a damn because I'm often too broke to afford good guns, and when I do have one or two I am too scared to lose them in a raid...
  19. Casey Heller

    Does VIP Benefits need rework?

    Title, although, there are quite a few pointers I wanna bring up. - I feel like problem one is that VIP has gotten more and more expensive (with IG cash) over the years without the IRL price changing. Back when I started (2017), it was anywhere between 60k - 80k, and more recently when I get...
  20. Casey Heller

    Server Performance p2

    Alright here's my 2 cents. The server performance is fine most of the time, and the only problem with the experience I feel is minge-punching sweaters (on civ and PD, but through time this will be rectified). Frankly, I think everyone agrees perp is better when there are more players, and we...
  21. Casey Heller

    Police Suggestion Higher Dispatch salary

    +1 I think Dispatchers will need a bit more then a pay bump to get back into the job, but it's a step in the right direction!
  22. Casey Heller

    Map Suggestion More defendable PD

    Yeah thats if the pistol cop can manage to get the crim to PD before he yells "10 toes" on a 5 year charge in middle of Bazaar. Of course PD should have way more advantage over Crims on jailbreaks, tf? I'm not saying to add keycard doors at every turn, I'm saying people shouldn't be able to...
  23. Casey Heller

    Map Suggestion More defendable PD

    Never knew this was a strat commonly used. If the crims can manage to get to cells, then I say they've earned their reward (their friends out of jail). I'll go ahead and add these points of changing cells to OP soon!
  24. Casey Heller

    Map Suggestion More defendable PD

    Suggestion Title: More defendable PD Suggestion Description: Anyone can hop the single fence on the side, pin into the side door, or just straight up run into the back parking lot. The only thing really going for it is the burglary alarm. Making it *somewhat* tricky to gain access to a door...
  25. Casey Heller

    No just leveling the playing field lol

    No just leveling the playing field lol
  26. Casey Heller

    Map Suggestion Downsize City Hall

    Suggestion Title: Downsize City Hall Suggestion Description: Seriously speaking, how much of the City much less City Hall is utilized? Everything from the overly excessive ceiling height to it's *huge* desolate open floor plan. It seems the only types of sits that happen is hostage taking and...
  27. Casey Heller

    Traffic Signs Change?

    You're right actually, could've sworn it was Fahrenheit. Fixed that.
  28. Casey Heller

    Traffic Signs Change?

    Before I even realized the poll existed, I didn't think one option only exactly made sense. But in all honesty, US signs make sense. Not only the obvious arguments of driving on the right side of the road, and the fact we use mp/h, but also: We use Chest/Trunk instead of Boot Most cars are...
  29. Casey Heller

    > Gets Staff Sergeant > Promotes me to Snr. Offic. absolut madlad, free Remis for you...

    > Gets Staff Sergeant > Promotes me to Snr. Offic. absolut madlad, free Remis for you. Congrats on your own promotion and success, can't wait to get a patrol with ya!
  30. Casey Heller

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    ~2,500 Based in Eastern U.S, so a large list of US servers show first, then a mix of French/Russian servers, with Perpheads randomly mixed in. Please keep in mind, this was at 930PM EST.