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  1. CodezBlack

    Need help with my VR software.

    Just done so, this time it actually past through the installation however at the end the headset was not tracking. The light is red at the side. I have checked multiple times EVERYTHING is plugged in the correct places so apparently, it's just SteamVR being a total twat. No idea why my headset...
  2. CodezBlack

    Need help with my VR software.

    Just tried unplugging my VR cables while re-organizing and strangling my wires. Just launched SteamVR and nothing happened, no error message or anything. I am currently reinstalling the Vive software to see if that works. If not then I guess I have chased my tail again.
  3. CodezBlack

    Need help with my VR software.

    822 euro for u
  4. CodezBlack

    Need help with my VR software.

    Can't do that, I would have to install steam on my OS and I can't be arsed to move all the shit over. Even if I don't have to move it, I can't be arsed. Cheers for helpin tho.
  5. CodezBlack

    Need help with my VR software.

    Get off this forum
  6. CodezBlack

    Need help with my VR software.

    So I tried this a month ago and I gave up but I am here now to see if anyone who owns's a VR if they have any fix for my problem. So, I reset my windows a month ago and when I installed SteamVR once I installed Steam. I changed my steam installation to my hard drive and created its own...
  7. CodezBlack


    @Taylor Just makes them bad as each other, not one better.
  8. CodezBlack

    Update the Crown Victoria (CV -> CVPI)

    So I found this dusty discussion via an alert so I will turn it into a suggestion as I apparently forgot to do so prior. Main Idea: Improve the detail and design on the Crown Victoria and add a new engine sound and push bar. Full description of the idea: Improve the poly's of the car and...
  9. CodezBlack

    When there is no Staff Online

    He paid me to say that
  10. CodezBlack

    When there is no Staff Online

    You need it
  11. CodezBlack

    Pistol shooting

    I have held several guns such as the Glock 17, SA 80 (L85), Remington 870, Can't remember its name but it looks like an SR-25, MTB Law, M249, L7A2 and I also got behind a 50. Cal Machine Gun. I have never shot a gun, being someone that has held everything from a Glock to a fucking Anti-Tank...
  12. CodezBlack

    Damn it!

    Damn it!
  13. CodezBlack

    Making guns for PERP

    P90 pls pls
  14. CodezBlack


    It's quite simple really it's [Redacted]
  15. CodezBlack


    You got proof for that claim son?
  16. CodezBlack


    I remember when my storage needed 4 screenshots to show everything.
  17. CodezBlack

    In Memoriam

    Why is Dai on here?
  18. CodezBlack


  19. CodezBlack

    Update Log - 03/03/2019

    Because Scotsman @D3V forgot to add the Ford Super Duty to the list. Facepalms in Scottish
  20. CodezBlack

    Update Log - 03/03/2019

    Europe has arrived
  21. CodezBlack


  22. CodezBlack

    can we get a F for Imperial Watch

    What the fuck
  23. CodezBlack

    can we get a F for Imperial Watch

    Explain it to the normal people pls
  24. CodezBlack

    Going to London

    Not as if am lyin tho
  25. CodezBlack

    Microphone requirement for cops?

    Communication really is the most important part of the PD, not TFU or RTU or any other division or factor its communication. Without communication, we all run around like headless chickens because we all have our own information to run on and 9/10 of the time it's not sufficient enough to stay...
  26. CodezBlack

    PH Meme Thread

    Shut the fuck up about it being old, its funny ok? (Oh yea the comments are shit now)
  27. CodezBlack

    PH Meme Thread

    When you are scared to base because of Olsen then you remember: