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  1. CodezBlack

    Making guns for PERP

    Looks a bit like an MP40
  2. CodezBlack

    AR on Daigestive

    If that excuse worked I would already be Admin.
  3. CodezBlack

    Going to London

    I went to London when I was younger (Before all the Muslims arrived) and it was nice. Like you, I went to the attractions such as the Sea Life, London Eye, Big Ben, Buckingham Palance, Went near 10 Downing Street, Canary Warf, Gherkin, Shard, London Tower and the Tower Bridge.
  4. CodezBlack

    Daigestive's Enforcer Application #3

    @Hazza @Alyt Meme Review Request #68713
  5. CodezBlack

    EU Trip halp

    More, because it's going to him and not Fredy :troll:
  6. CodezBlack

    EU Trip halp

  7. CodezBlack

    EU Trip halp

    Gotta be 21 to drink in some pubs tho lmao.
  8. CodezBlack

    EU Trip halp

    Check out places like Berlin in Germany, Paris in France, Rome in Italy, London in the UK, Amsterdam (Don't you fuckin dare go there and come out sober) and some of the others such as Copenhagen (I heard an infamous Racoon lives there). You could, of course, head up and visit Scandinavia but I...
  9. CodezBlack

    When Ping Wing gets into a fight. [MEDIA]

    When Ping Wing gets into a fight.
  10. CodezBlack

    4 am banter

    I thought this was not allowed?
  11. CodezBlack

    A compilation of TinySlayer exploding

    Your still guilty
  12. CodezBlack

    Making guns for PERP

    AK 12 ACR HK 416 Dragunov SVD Saiga 12K SKS Mosin
  13. CodezBlack


  14. CodezBlack

    Imagine having a profile pic of a game you have been unable to play for over a year...

    Imagine having a profile pic of a game you have been unable to play for over a year...
  15. CodezBlack
  16. CodezBlack

    Cocaine is Trash: A Documentary

    All I'm saying is I prefer simplicity. I never said to try and change my mind, not as if you are going to anyways lmao.
  17. CodezBlack

    Cocaine is Trash: A Documentary

    Wow, getting money on perp really became shit. I mean it never was enjoyable but it's all gone over the top. I'm glad I already grinded, got the cars, weapons and had fun then gave it away when I stopped fully playing. Would hate to grind again, absolute pisstake.
  18. CodezBlack

    What would u guys do?

    Then I would be able to know if it's my blood or period blood
  19. CodezBlack

    What would u guys do?

    omg same
  20. CodezBlack

    Stealth 20

    /desc rates winner
  21. CodezBlack

    TFU Salt Patrol | Ethan's Montage #6

    0:24 This is why I stopped basing and flanking. I think I saved about 5 headsets.
  22. CodezBlack


    Me "Wtf are these lot on about?" Sees Pewdiepie v T-Series reply "OH SHIT REALLY!?" Searches up T-Series v Pewdiepie "Oh he still good"
  23. CodezBlack


    I will not be investing in this organization.
  24. CodezBlack

    New flip feature

    Wtf how did that bullet not hit you? I flipped over it
  25. CodezBlack

    AR On Cup_Master

    The NPC might not have seen it but it would have heard the gunshot thus moving to the right a little and seeing you lot there around a dead body.
  26. CodezBlack

    Perp Memories

    Some old videos, oldest to newest. Please brace yourself for my old squeaky voice and other cringy videos. Just bare in mind these are old. @Eviction Notice
  27. CodezBlack

    dont know if I every posted my hacking tutorial

    The one thing I notice in these videos is that they go in dead unsecure servers that get a couple people on it each year. Try to do this on servers like Zarp or that server called Perpheads and I will be interested ;)
  28. CodezBlack

    11/10 Aim!

    Can quicky 1 shot a cop that far away but can't hit a moving target a couple meters away from him. smd