rogue Messages 4,232 Reaction score 15,355 Points 1,360 Location double mini roundabout Feb 28, 2019 Staff #41 also come to north wales, at least it isn't england
Rhys :) Messages 901 Reaction score 1,009 Points 580 Feb 28, 2019 #42 Don't go to North Wales, you will get raped, come to Cardiff, I got a spare ticket for all premier league football games, I'll take you along.
Don't go to North Wales, you will get raped, come to Cardiff, I got a spare ticket for all premier league football games, I'll take you along.
jjjackier Messages 2,518 Reaction score 3,915 Points 835 Feb 28, 2019 #44 @Aquaa why would he go to a country that lost 3 civil wars????
jjjackier Messages 2,518 Reaction score 3,915 Points 835 Feb 28, 2019 #45 I would say Scandinavia but we're so damn expensive for foreigners like @Hazza and @Alyt If you have the money of course, feel free to visit our clean first world countries, not shitholes like England.
I would say Scandinavia but we're so damn expensive for foreigners like @Hazza and @Alyt If you have the money of course, feel free to visit our clean first world countries, not shitholes like England.
Bnjemann Messages 9,668 Reaction score 12,062 Points 975 Location REHAB Feb 28, 2019 Staff #46 If I go to berlin and give you 5 quid cash in hand is that a valid way of buying VIP?
Fusions Messages 780 Reaction score 1,562 Points 580 Location A land down under Feb 28, 2019 #47 "Meh american food is much better " yh if you want diabetes and end up 20 stone :/
rogue Messages 4,232 Reaction score 15,355 Points 1,360 Location double mini roundabout Feb 28, 2019 Staff #48 @Rhys :) raped in north wales man i think you have your map upside down
Dr. Dräjj Messages 1,379 Reaction score 2,045 Points 770 Location Moscow Feb 28, 2019 #49 True, even Sweden>England
Rhys :) Messages 901 Reaction score 1,009 Points 580 Feb 28, 2019 #50 @Dukeburger818 No, I don't, you're all inbreds up North, and would have sex with someone for a packet of biscuits.
@Dukeburger818 No, I don't, you're all inbreds up North, and would have sex with someone for a packet of biscuits.
CodezBlack Messages 1,343 Reaction score 2,618 Points 340 Location North East England (UK) Feb 28, 2019 #51 Britistan
CodezBlack Messages 1,343 Reaction score 2,618 Points 340 Location North East England (UK) Feb 28, 2019 #52 More, because it's going to him and not Fredy
Kenty Messages 2,954 Reaction score 7,508 Points 1,095 Location Paralake Feb 28, 2019 #53 You should go visit Lithuania It’s got amazing views and nature and we offer a KGB Experience where you can get treated like a gulag prisoner for like 3 hours.
You should go visit Lithuania It’s got amazing views and nature and we offer a KGB Experience where you can get treated like a gulag prisoner for like 3 hours.
Cole Messages 945 Reaction score 2,252 Points 720 Location Texas United States Feb 28, 2019 #54 You just made a very poor choice. Blau und Weiß bis in den Tod!
Cole Messages 945 Reaction score 2,252 Points 720 Location Texas United States Feb 28, 2019 #55 Visit Essen, Germany Great people, great Kebab and close to @Creepis ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
Sorle Communication Banned Messages 2,824 Reaction score 6,585 Points 1,075 Location Leeds Feb 28, 2019 #56 where in greece are you going out of curiosity
andreW Messages 1,414 Reaction score 1,980 Points 760 Location n Feb 28, 2019 #57 londons just a overcrowded shit whole
rogue Messages 4,232 Reaction score 15,355 Points 1,360 Location double mini roundabout Feb 28, 2019 Staff #58 only if it was a packet of custard creams
Hazza the Fifty-Sixth Messages 715 Reaction score 3,198 Points 740 Location Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Feb 28, 2019 #59 if you lived in england i would beat the shit out of you
Lelios1 Messages 1,457 Reaction score 2,385 Points 865 Location Greece Feb 28, 2019 Staff #60 What the fuck Lewis, just because we can't afford cars or windows it doesn't mean we are a third world country.
What the fuck Lewis, just because we can't afford cars or windows it doesn't mean we are a third world country.