Search results

  1. xhantium

    Cacuzza Crime Family Applications

    OOC Steam name: [] Xhantium Age: 17, 18 in less then a month. Country: Denmark. When are you online: When im not banned. IC In-Game name: Xhantium Harper. Age: 30. Any cars you have: Lamborghini Miura Are you Premium: Yes. What firearms level are you: 100 What are you specialties...
  2. xhantium

    Ban Request on EvilEvan and somewhat Cpt Spaghetti

    +Support, They surely need a warning or ban for this.
  3. xhantium

    The Harpers.

  4. xhantium

    Xhantium M4A1 + full mag refund request.

    Your in-game name: Xhantium Harper Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:2195772 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because rules were broken to take it away from me.' Description: We were raiding bank, but the medics kept revivng dead police causing us obviusly to loose the fight and our weapons + the bank...
  5. xhantium

    Ban Request on Xhantium Harper (3.4)

    The only reason i shot you was that you were refusing to move away from the door so i could close it, you just kept standing there refusing to leave us alone, i told you to leave and because you simply didnt want to i in the end just got enough and shot you.
  6. xhantium

    The Harpers.

  7. xhantium

    The hitman

    The hitman
  8. xhantium

    Ban Request On Xhantium

    Thats a lie and you know this (If im right this is about the regal 4 apartment incident) You threatned to kill me, so as i left i grabbed my gun and got you in a wallbang, then finished raiding and as i was stealing all your stuff one of our common friends stopped me and just had me leaving your...
  9. xhantium

    Xhantiums Intro

    Das how we roll
  10. xhantium

    Back on PH :3

    Hello Welcome back. Hope to see you ingame.
  11. xhantium

    Xhantiums Intro

    Hello I'm Xhantium I'm 17 years old (18 in June) I joined a few days ago due to that I was missing playing PERP and I found PERPHEADS awesome! I will soon be looking for a crew and people to play with so If you need one in your crew or need someone to play with tell me :) See you on the...