Search results

  1. Jake_

    Happy birth

    Happy birth
  2. Jake_

    Server Suggestion Adding variety to suit decals

    Yes I agree get the carrot on there @betts
  3. Jake_

    Update log 27/04/2023 - The Organisation Rebalance

    Update is cool but drugs don't seem worth it if even if your in a medium size org as you are still getting a significant amount of drugs gone. 60% yield for example with cocaine would get you something around 14-17 leaves, for 40 minutes of growing that just does not seem worth it at all...
  4. Jake_

    24k Triad

    this is rad
  5. Jake_

    Do you enjoy 128 slots?

    Bring back the drug system where it was stacks of 500, that worked while it was around
  6. Jake_

    I need actors

    I am free labour
  7. Jake_

    Resigning from powergrowing

    plis donat to por (me)
  8. Jake_


    My favourite senior mod
  9. Jake_

    Same difference, same accent

    Same difference, same accent
  10. Jake_

    Refund Request (Jake_)

    Your Steam Name: Jake_ Your Roleplay Name: Jake Briskly Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:462820583 Reason for Request: I lost my weapon cos person broke rule and kill me Requested Items: 1x HK MP5K 1x HK MP5K Stock 1x HK MP5K Vertical Grip 1x 9x19mm Magazine (MP5K) (loaded) 1x Suppressor...
  11. Jake_

    Happy birthday Scottish

    Happy birthday Scottish
  12. Jake_

    bloo dave

    bloo dave
  13. Jake_

    Police Suggestion Driving License and Point System!

    If i lose my rights to drive and have to take monorail everywhere i will cry
  14. Jake_

    happy birthday american

    happy birthday american
  15. Jake_

    Ban Dispute (daniel)

    You need to provide some sort of evidence as this is a dispute!
  16. Jake_

    False accusations ruin lives

    False accusations ruin lives
  17. Jake_

    Hoodrats wipe out (Hostage situation)

    lucky i wasn't there i kill you all
  18. Jake_

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  19. Jake_

    PERPHeads - Double-Tap Demon

    Preferably I like double taps too
  20. Jake_

    Three out of Four Hoodrats recommend ending a shootout quickly with a grenade
  21. Jake_

    Ban Dispute (Collier)
  22. Jake_

    $1,000,000 giveaway

    @Palodhi @rxsm (this is a lie just making him feel better) @Kay What the fuck is thugshake challenge
  23. Jake_

    Undeserved but congrats x

    Undeserved but congrats x
  24. Jake_

    April Fool's

    You have been opted out of gambling Heartbreak for the free spins
  25. Jake_

    [MEDIA] "can i get a medic tO pd pl..."

    "can i get a medic tO pd pl..."
  26. Jake_

    Ban Dispute (dog)

    As this is a dispute you need to provide some sort of evidence!
  27. Jake_

    Enforcer Dave. ( I still hate you and you still smell bad)

    Enforcer Dave. ( I still hate you and you still smell bad)
  28. Jake_

    Happy birthday top dog

    Happy birthday top dog
  29. Jake_


    I feel scammed, let down, heartbroken, insecure, like a mug, stupid, ratted. I can't believe it.
  30. Jake_

    Confirmed that is me

    Confirmed that is me