Three out of Four Hoodrats recommend ending a shootout quickly with a grenade

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[LOOC] Jake: I question my life sometimes
[OOC] sidd: dont think the door was open jake
[OOC] Ancient Zero: I closed the door on Jake
[OOC] Locksmith: DOOR STUCK
[OOC] sidd: no shit
[OOC] Ancient Zero: as he was trying to throw it
[OOC] Ancient Zero: Lol
[OOC] Jake: I gathered that information as the grenade blew me up
[OOC] Ancient Zero: XD

Also few Uh Oh~ before going kaboom was just hilarious.
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Who would win:
- Highly illegal military ordinance capable of immediately stopping the most heavily armoured vehicle in paralake


- The basic ability of closing a door