Search results

  1. Charles Marston

    A little game!

    He's Dutch if I remember correctly.
  2. Charles Marston

    A little game!

    He's some Swedish guy that I haven't seen before.
  3. Charles Marston

    A little game!

    When he first joined the server, I was expecting him to get permanently banned within a week.
  4. Charles Marston

    [Meth bug?]BelgLmfao

    There is no correct template for this, Mannerwaffel.
  5. Charles Marston

    Police Helicopters and Motorbikes

    These things have already been suggested and denied. //Closed and moved
  6. Charles Marston

    Server Performance Upgrade!

    The server has been blessed by Gaben.
  7. Charles Marston

    Post your funny/stupid adverts here

    One time I got a report saying something along the lines of "help police officer me chase now i became a ticket"
  8. Charles Marston

    Pure Displeasure looking at the forums and Ingame

    This post is completely pointless. You are basically making people dislike pretty much all the other moderators by telling people that there is supposedly this one secret moderator who's really crappy and rude. This post is not going to make a difference whatsoever to how this moderator acts, as...
  9. Charles Marston

    Cyrus leaving

    I was hoping to get to know you someday but, good luck in the future.
  10. Charles Marston

    SenlinGames VERY LATE Introduction.

    Welcome to the server, buddy. I don't think I've seen you ingame, but I'll keep an eye out.
  11. Charles Marston

    Best way to cook meth?

    The secret is not letting other people know your secret >: )
  12. Charles Marston

    I'm leaving!

    Best of luck in the future, mate.
  13. Charles Marston

    Admin Complaint - Blackdown

    Closed due to OP request //Closed and moved
  14. Charles Marston

    Admin Complaint - Blackdown

    You apparently broke quite a few rules and you have 4 other bans on record, so I think a 3 day ban is appropriate.
  15. Charles Marston

    Project In The Works

    Wait, what? So I can choose to participate, then I will be given some information and then I can choose not to participate? Why not just give us some information up front to encourage people to participate?
  16. Charles Marston

    Selling VIP

    Lel, Nate. This is just like with Johnny.
  17. Charles Marston

    RayoZ Inactivity Notice

    Enjoy the trip, mate!
  18. Charles Marston

    So many whiners...

    Just a question, what in the world is a ruleplay? And additionally, isn't it kind of counterproductive to whine about people who whine too much?
  19. Charles Marston

    (Website) Coloured usernames for specific ranks.

    This would be a cool addition, I suppose.
  20. Charles Marston

    Hey Guys :D

    Welcome to the community
  21. Charles Marston

    Hey guys, ~Shifix

    Welcome to the community, buddy.
  22. Charles Marston

    Sup I'm Cyrus.

    Welcome back, mate.
  23. Charles Marston

    Suggestion: Backpacks

    This has already been suggested and accepted. //Closed and moved
  24. Charles Marston

    Police Org

    Well, if you want order and ranks within the police force then that's already done. Nate and James have created a system for it. It just needs to be implemented.
  25. Charles Marston

    Police Org

    Well, you wouldn't get any special privileges, as you'd be just like any other civilian organization. For example, if you were to try to arrest someone, you wouldn't have any handcuffs and the police would probably just arrest you as well. You could be a sort of private investigation or security...
  26. Charles Marston

    What Can I Improve And Fix?

    Don't break the rules.
  27. Charles Marston

    jjjackier's inactivity notice.

    See ya, mate.
  28. Charles Marston

    Cheaper Higher End Vehicles.

    If you really want to, it is possible to get about 2 mil in roughly 24 hours by making drugs.
  29. Charles Marston

    What Can I Improve And Fix?

    Lel, Amanda
  30. Charles Marston

    Map of Paralake City

    It's a secret :)