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  1. Charles Marston

    The Farm House

    You might want to know that the Corleone doesn't exist anymore.
  2. Charles Marston

    I'm coming back to PerpHeads!!!

    Welcome back!
  3. Charles Marston


    I hope to see you back soon, mate.
  4. Charles Marston


    I'm curious about this too. It was very convenient to always be able to see when someone had made a new post, without having to actually press anything.
  5. Charles Marston

    Chrissy's Inactivity Topic

    Have fun, mate.
  6. Charles Marston

    Player warning list

    Sometimes you don't have to specifically say "I'll post a warning because of this." For example, I could say "Make sure not to break this rule again" or "Next time you might face greater consequences". That is still a warning.
  7. Charles Marston

    Player warning list

    There is no need for this. You should know if you've been warned a lot. Also there is no need for regular players to be able to see what other people have been warned for.
  8. Charles Marston

    Ronne going active again!? ;o

    Good to see you're back, Daymon. I hope to talk to you soon.
  9. Charles Marston

    The European Mafia

    The name of the org doesn't make sense in my opinion. If it had to do with race, then the org could possibly be some sort of white supremacy organization, which would make sense. But right now it just seems kind of random.
  10. Charles Marston

    How hard is the map to learn?

    Yeah, like M0R3 said it about a day or two to learn pretty much the whole map. What you could do is become a cop and then patrol around in your police vehicle to learn the area.
  11. Charles Marston

    Daddy's back!

    Perpheads before potheads
  12. Charles Marston

    Daddy's back!

    Good to see you back, mate.
  13. Charles Marston

    [Late Intro] jjjackier

    I thought you left this community.
  14. Charles Marston

    Late introduction

    Welcome to the server, I guess.
  15. Charles Marston

    Looking for a head set

    Good choice. You wont be disappointed.
  16. Charles Marston

    The Farm House

    Nicely done, Swiper.
  17. Charles Marston

    Police job application and whitelist.

    This is already being worked on.
  18. Charles Marston

    Looking for a head set

    Go for the Logitech G930.
  19. Charles Marston

    [Questions & Comments ] New Rules/Laws

    It's the rail itself that is out of bounds, not the cart.
  20. Charles Marston


    Welcome to the community, mate.
  21. Charles Marston

    I'm back :D

    Welcome back, mate.
  22. Charles Marston

    Ban Request: Ishio Kamikaze ( Steam name unknown )

    Like Carrot said it would be nice if you provided us with a demo of the incident.
  23. Charles Marston

    Enforcer / Helper applications

    The helper rank has been removed and the enforcer application will open again when more enforcers are needed.
  24. Charles Marston

    Licence Plates

    This has been suggested before.
  25. Charles Marston

    Fire Chief

    I don't think this would add much since the firefighters don't really have a lot to do as it is so there isn't really much to organize. And if the firefighters were able to revive people then the medics would be quite useless in a lot of situations.
  26. Charles Marston

    Hola beaches

    Welcome back, mate. I remember you as being quite a good helper.
  27. Charles Marston

    Losses :S

    I know the feeling. I sure hope you'll get refunded.
  28. Charles Marston

    Hey there !

    Welcome to Perpheads, mate. By the way, the helper rank has been removed.
  29. Charles Marston

    Malicious behaviour and unrest

    Where did this discrimination take place? Was it in-game or out of character?
  30. Charles Marston

    Fail (probably enfocer)

    I suggest you find the right demo and post it, but in that case you should probably just make a ban request.