[Questions & Comments ] New Rules/Laws

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Dat Ass
Hey Everyone,

I'm sure everyone has seen the new rules/laws and updates on the forums. If you haven't seen them you can see them here :

But anyways I have some questions and am quite confused on a few of these.

2.5 Fireworks

The use of fireworks within the city, suburbs and the business area is prohibited.

9.9 Headlights

Headlights are required to be on from sunset to sunrise.

Revised Laws:

​3.3 Government Facilities

Certain facilities, buildings, and areas within the city are operated by government bodies and are typically restricted to the public. Under certain circumstances, if escorted by a law-enforcement officer, members of the public may enter these areas.

The following Government area’s are out of bounds to the public, the Police parking lot,the monorail rails, the car bridge and the highway highway anyone caught in these zones can be taken to the police station for questioning.

The Police Department, excluding the lobby room, is excluded to any and all unauthorised personnel; typically, only law-enforcement officers may enter this building.

9.4 Parking

Vehicles may park at the side of road’s as long as traffic is not obstructed although if a parking lot is within 100m then it should be used. Vehicles may not stop on highways unless parked in the designated break down zones.

Now, If you see the areas I have made Bold and Italicized


What are the Car Bridge, and the "Highway Highway" ?

Anyway thanks for reading.

-- Black Jesus
The highway highway was probably a typo it means anyone on these areas should not be there.

The car bridge is the bridge leading to car dealer.