Search results

  1. Charles Marston

    Cars & Drugs

    As Mr. Daymon just stated, you can already grow drugs in the back of your van. However, the problem with this is that there really isn't a good enough reason to grow drugs in your car, as they are easily spotted because the leaves of your plants often stick out through the sides. I give this a...
  2. Charles Marston

    Jonathan Lyons ban request

    Thank you for your response. I've seen this player several times on the server, but unfortunately I haven't been able to catch his Steam name. However, maybe you or the higher ranked server administrators have access to some sort of log or something that could help in this case.
  3. Charles Marston

    Jacob Butelski ban request

    This has taken too long and since the link doesn't seem to work, I think we should just close the thread.
  4. Charles Marston

    Jonathan Lyons ban request

    Thank you for the support. I think you should make a ban request as well if he broke any rules.
  5. Charles Marston

    Jonathan Lyons ban request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Toffelfabriken / Charles Marston His/Her Steam/In-game Name: *Unknown* / Jonathan Lyons His/Her SteamID: *Unknown* Reason: I was standing on the sidewalk outside the skyscraper and Mr. Lyons walked past me and just punched me for no reason. Then as I asked him why he...
  6. Charles Marston

    Ban request - Sarah Kennedy

    I was there and witnessed everything, as Redblaster has already stated in the thread. I agree that she was acting very childish, unreasonable and narrow minded. She clearly doesn't understand the concept of rdm, as she thought Redblaster would be guilty of rdm if Cheng was to shoot her. We've...
  7. Charles Marston

    Player Resets

    While it may be true that a player reset might be good, I still don't think people should be punished for having spent countless hours trying to get a cool car or upgrading their skills. You should probably try and come up with some sort of compromise.
  8. Charles Marston

    Jacob Butelski ban request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Steam: Toffelfabriken | In-game: Charles Marston His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steam: *Unknown* | In-game: Jacob Butelski His/Her SteamID: *Unknown* Reason: Randomly punchwhoring me in the bank. He just walked up to me and started beating me up. I had never seen him...
  9. Charles Marston

    RDM'er Jonathan Lyons

    I support this request. Jonathan has been breaking plenty of rules before.
  10. Charles Marston

    Drivers licence (Extended) and Car Insurance

    This sounds like a great idea and should definitively be considered. Once they get the new map running, they should see if this is possible to implement.