Ban request - Sarah Kennedy

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Your Steam/In-game Name: steam : Redblaster100 IG name : Falcon Bhrash

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steam name : WindwartDrop90 IG name : Sarah Kennedy

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53955315

Reason: I'm going to split this up in 3 phases to make sure it is easy to read , settle down for a long one lads.

Phase 1 : My friends (charles marston & kashinovich) and I decide to go on a raid adventure. We find out a house is owned at the lakehouses and investigate further. We see the house has all windows covered and several inhabitants. When we believe the time is right we try to get inside. The situation rapidly turns into a shoot out and it doesn't take long before the police forces arrive , my friends and I get taken into custody , and are taken to the PD where we are interogated by the chief. Using my charisma and due to the fact i'm relatively good at decieving people , I manage to get the chief to believe that it was a misunderstanding. When we are released the chief decides to check out the house we tried to raid , since all windows were blocked , and there was a shoot out just outside. When they arrive on the scene we just drive by in our car , and decide to stay and have a look at what the officers find. Turns out the house is abandoned, no one to be found.

Phase 2 : Just as the police tries to leave the area , Sarah Kennedy , a former inhabitant of the house who was involved in the shout out , arrives in her car. Not much later , out of nowhere a pair of criminals run at us with weapons drawn yelling at everyone to get down. Everyone , including the police roleplays correctly and gets down. The criminal (Cheng) turns out to be known to me as we had met before , and he lets me and my friends go and lines the police up against a wall. Just before we leave I tell him about sarah who is , i might add ,still in the car , and didn't get out as she was told to, even when a gun was pointed at her. It took her several minutes before she finally got out of her car. I tell Cheng she had been troubling us (denied us our raid & threatened me in text message) and asked him to take care of her. As he gets her out of the car Sarah goes OOC and complains to ME , that if CHENG shoots her , I RDM and fail rp ... makes no sense right ? She states that I am not allowed to use traits such as charisma and deception to get people convinced of my story (something she seems to refer to as lying??) and that if cheng decides to kill her (which he wasn't even intending) we would both be fail rp'ing and RDM'ing her. I try to explain to her how she is wrong , she refuses to listen and I call for an admin to maybe explain it better than I can. As I call for the admin she disconnects. Later she blames a crash.

Phase 3 : I proceed by adding her to steam , to try and explain to her , in a friendly manner , how she was wrong about the situation. She refuses to listen , is rather rude , unreasonable and childish in her responses. Interupting me constantly and saying things like 'fine fine , i'll send someone after you to kill you now then , have a nice day' which is rather immature in my view. After another attempt , she get's on my nerves , and I close the arguement and inform her that if she doesn't stop there , i'll call in an admin to explain to her that she's in the wrong , and that she's being very unreasonable and narrow minded. She doesn't stop , so I spoke to an admin about this. I had no intention of getting her punished in any way. I just wanted to get her to understand for the sake of the server , that what I did was okay. Later, I was informed that what she did is actually punishable.

So here you have it. I hope that after this explenation , maybe she'll finally understand that conversation , charisma and deception is part of good roleplay. Thank you for reading.

Evidence: Due to the fact this was a verbal and ooc issue , I was told by the admin that a demo was not needed. If it turns out a demo is indeed required i'll be happy to post it , although it wont say much , since i spoke over voice chat.
From what i can see 'Sarah' metagamed by saying she/her friend was going to kill him in steam chat.

Not going to decide on anything straight away, Lets get 'Sarah' involved and see what he has to say.
Also if theres any other rules that were broken please let me know.
I was here at the time with Cheng, (Seeing as I am his IG brother Hachirou) and yes I heard you explaining to her how she was falsely accusing you. I then too say that she is wrong and that she is accusing him of something that Falcon didn't do. Unfortunately somehow, after taking everyones radio, backup soon arrived and I was killed but my brother escaped alive, so I hear. I did not see the incident but I find it fitting to reply on it.
+Support this request.
I was there and witnessed everything, as Redblaster has already stated in the thread. I agree that she was acting very childish, unreasonable and narrow minded. She clearly doesn't understand the concept of rdm, as she thought Redblaster would be guilty of rdm if Cheng was to shoot her. We've actually had issues with her before. I believe it was Xquality (it may have been someone else) who helped us resolve a dispute with her concerning rdm a while ago, so he would be able to confirm that, but that's besides the point. The point is that she should be disciplined in some way for her actions.
+Support on this request
Toffelfabriken said:
I was there and witnessed everything, as Redblaster has already stated in the thread. I agree that she was acting very childish, unreasonable and narrow minded. She clearly doesn't understand the concept of rdm, as she thought Redblaster would be guilty of rdm if Cheng was to shoot her. We've actually had issues with her before. I believe it was Xquality (it may have been someone else) who helped us resolve a dispute with her concerning rdm a while ago, so he would be able to confirm that, but that's besides the point. The point is that she should be disciplined in some way for her actions.
+Support on this request
It was xquality indeed
+support.. I have issues with her by my self and it is really rude to not response on your answers even while u try to ask it friendly. RDM = RDM and thats really hatefull in RP servers, im agreeing with you mr RedbBlaster.
-Support Sarah never failed and she wont. Note:All supports from same org and Reblaster100's friend. Is it allowed ? Im sure all supports from your friends and your org members. Why you trying to getting banned Sarah i think you just hate Sarah for NEVER broke rules and applying it right ? (Sorry for broken english)
Guest said:
-Support Sarah never failed and she wont. Note:All supports from same org and Reblaster100's friend. Is it allowed ? Im sure all supports from your friends and your org members. Why you trying to getting banned Sarah i think you just hate Sarah for NEVER broke rules and applying it right ? (Sorry for broken english)
Actually all but one of the people who commented were INVOLVED in the situation , do not accuse me of a vendetta if you don't do your research ;Secondly we've had plenty of issues with Sarah , she's very unreasonable and childish in her conversations too when i try and talk to her about it.

Thank you for your comment
As ive spoke with Xquality you cant actually lie to your friend so he could kill someone. also i were not metagaming at our steam chat as i was saying: " Oh that means i can right now lie to my friend so he could kill you" also you were not listening me and saying im Failrping and i dont speak true, you were also trying to explain me how i was wrong that you could lie to your friend so he could kill me. I also dont see how Steam Chat is part of ban request as its not even part of Perpheads server.I also have demos if you wanna watch them.
Guest said:
As ive spoke with Xquality you cant actually lie to your friend so he could kill someone. also i were not metagaming at our steam chat as i was saying: " Oh that means i can right now lie to my friend so he could kill you" also you were not listening me and saying im Failrping and i dont speak true, you were also trying to explain me how i was wrong that you could lie to your friend so he could kill me. I also dont see how Steam Chat is part of ban request as its not even part of Perpheads server.I also have demos if you wanna watch them.
As difficult as it is to understand what it is you are writing , you are unfortunately lieing. If someon explains to me how to retrieve the steam logs i'm willing to prove it. You literally said to me , in steam 'fine fine , im sending someone after you to kill you then and lie about it , have a nice day' something along those lines. You said it in such a way that the only way it could be interpretated , was as a threat , you never said 'oh that means ...' you just said you would. Please do not lie about this.

Please keep in mind this whole arguement began becasue you accused ME of rdm , if someone else were to shoot you for a reason I presented him with. Which is , on it's own , foolish enough. It shows that you do not have a proper understanding of the RDM rule , but that aside for now.

Secondly , if you spoke the truth to the admins , then Xquality must have a conversation with max about this , because the way i explained it , which was if I might add , entirely true and honest , he told me that what you did was considered meta gaming , and that i was in no way comitting fail rp or rdm .

I suggest the admins compare our two stories , if there is doubt call in the people who were actually there at the time ,and yes there were people there who are not friends of mine , and who are not in my org. Cheng and a companion of his , who has in fact , already commented with + support . and decide on what to do.
Point is that you make it sound simplistic , you say 'you cant lie to someone to get him to kill me' but you are making the situation too simplistic.

I didn't just lie , it was a roleplay carried out through about an hour , maybe two of gameplay. In which I manage to get the cops on my side , including a criminal who i met before , it's not just a 'lie' it's charisma and deception as i've tried to explain before.

I would go as far as saying that I never lied to begin with , I told Cheng you had been bothering us for a while , and you had with text threat , during the raid , and then when you showed up in your car. So , as ironic as it is , I never even lied in the first place. Just the fact you then pm'd me , as i was next to you saying 'if he kills me .. im reporting you for RDM' was reason enough for me to believe that you have no idea what you are talking about.

I have tried to explain this to you over a dozen times now , and you still refuse to listen , or comment on my claims , you just keep giving me the same , irrelevant information.

Thank you for commenting.
earlier this week i watched this player RPing as a cop "in the job of course" driving like an absolute lunatic, driving way faster than the limit, running people over then driving away laughing. As a good player i drove after the person and told her to stop and she stopped dead, rammed my car into a wall yell "Go F*** Yourself!" then, once again, drove away laughing.
Guest said:
earlier this week i watched this player RPing as a cop "in the job of course" driving like an absolute lunatic, driving way faster than the limit, running people over then driving away laughing. As a good player i drove after the person and told her to stop and she stopped dead, rammed my car into a wall yell "Go F*** Yourself!" then, once again, drove away laughing.
I'm evidently not he only ones having trouble with her. Things would be a whole lot easier if she was reasonable and mature enough to discuss it like grown ups. But every time I try she interupts me , or makes very rude , unreasonable comments. Which is why I think a conversation , between me and her with an admin overlooking it , might be a good idea.
Max said:
From what i can see 'Sarah' metagamed by saying she/her friend was going to kill him in steam chat.

Not going to decide on anything straight away, Lets get 'Sarah' involved and see what he has to say.
Also if theres any other rules that were broken please let me know.
I would also like to add , that when Cheng (the criminal) took her to the wall , she sent me a pm saying 'if he ends up shooting me , i'm reporting you for RDM' which seems to me like an ooc threat to prevent an IC situation from happening.

Apart from that , I feel like everything you need to know of my story is in my post , or the comments i made on her response.

Thanks for your time admin.
Guest said:
earlier this week i watched this player RPing as a cop "in the job of course" driving like an absolute lunatic, driving way faster than the limit, running people over then driving away laughing. As a good player i drove after the person and told her to stop and she stopped dead, rammed my car into a wall yell "Go F*** Yourself!" then, once again, drove away laughing.
Actually you are the one whos rude you are telling me im kid and stuff in looc while admin is watching. also i have alot problems with you as you dont know the rules. you were saying you can lie to your friend so he could kill someone is allowed what Xquality sayd its not.
Guest said:
earlier this week i watched this player RPing as a cop "in the job of course" driving like an absolute lunatic, driving way faster than the limit, running people over then driving away laughing. As a good player i drove after the person and told her to stop and she stopped dead, rammed my car into a wall yell "Go F*** Yourself!" then, once again, drove away laughing.
i dont have mic how can i laught?
Guest said:
earlier this week i watched this player RPing as a cop "in the job of course" driving like an absolute lunatic, driving way faster than the limit, running people over then driving away laughing. As a good player i drove after the person and told her to stop and she stopped dead, rammed my car into a wall yell "Go F*** Yourself!" then, once again, drove away laughing.
I'm afraid you are once again wrong. The only thing I have said that you might have taken offensively is that I do not understand your english which is just a factual statement. Secondly you keep saying 'lie' there was never a lie involved. It's called charisma , conversation and deception which is all part of a good roleplay as i've mentioned many times now. Last but not least , I do know the rules , If I didn't I don't think i'd have support from more than one admin on my enforcer app , aswell as many positive comments besides those.

i'd like you to stop accusing me of lieing and stop turning things around. Everything that has been said has been said , just let the admins comment next.

Thank you
Guest said:
earlier this week i watched this player RPing as a cop "in the job of course" driving like an absolute lunatic, driving way faster than the limit, running people over then driving away laughing. As a good player i drove after the person and told her to stop and she stopped dead, rammed my car into a wall yell "Go F*** Yourself!" then, once again, drove away laughing.
Redblaster100 Really she dont have any mic >I
Guest said:
earlier this week i watched this player RPing as a cop "in the job of course" driving like an absolute lunatic, driving way faster than the limit, running people over then driving away laughing. As a good player i drove after the person and told her to stop and she stopped dead, rammed my car into a wall yell "Go F*** Yourself!" then, once again, drove away laughing.
I quote from her app 'I got mic, but i dont use it much. '
Please stop lieing.

Secondly , I never mentioned she had a mic , F4tal did.

thank you
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