Search results

  1. Sonzy
  2. Sonzy

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    Everyone but u and @Cody Garrett
  3. Sonzy

    Change of map?

    it's one of the few things that's still good about the server, noty another update would be cool tho
  4. Sonzy

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    most shit cunts who are banned should stay banned, cant talk all that then come running back
  5. Sonzy

    Whats with the recent AR's?

    yeh man all these petty ars, brb tho i hate when other people do it but it's fine for me to do it! XD
  6. Sonzy

    When you hit and scrape your 250$ rim...

    got some pretty transparent rims there
  7. Sonzy

    iq 75

    iq 75
  8. Sonzy

    leaving yet again

    im kill u first fuck stupid kid
  9. Sonzy

    five year olds on perp.

    i can tell you love kids, small world so does my friend @Exrobite
  10. Sonzy

    leaving yet again

    he bigs up all this bullshit but he's really only leaving because i bully him for still playing i'll still bully u for ur retarded dad so i bet youll be back on ina week when zarp deathrun gets boring
  11. Sonzy

    Community Meeting

    You're actually wasting ur time.
  12. Sonzy

    Give back the comment function or i'll stand on ur cats head lol

    Give back the comment function or i'll stand on ur cats head lol
  13. Sonzy

    Which car should I get

    man the hummer is a sick car would recommend if you're like my pal and obese @Exrobite
  14. Sonzy

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    i didn't realise u were in this market bud, text me xx
  15. Sonzy

    This is why you don't speed

    wow someone going fast that's really uncommon, this is my first time seeing it!
  16. Sonzy

    Big ups to the lads

    tbh u probably will, pedos and illegal immigrants dont have long lifespans these days, and judging by the fact ur dad can't use a toaster properly i'd say it's all in shambles.
  17. Sonzy


    None, i got more gsces than some ppl here and i've never revised once
  18. Sonzy

    Big ups to the lads

    u sure ur gf would even feel 6ft lol
  19. Sonzy

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    No, it's just u thats dumb. and ngl i refuse to speak ur 3rd world ass language you can have fun learning mine because you have to (:
  20. Sonzy

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    Me no understand no englas smol brain sorrie
  21. Sonzy

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    honestly why ask on a website full of virgins what girls they like, if u got a pig gf ur doing better than everyone else here
  22. Sonzy

    My whole story which is not a guess

    Good for you, shame that money can't buy you friends or happiness :)
  23. Sonzy

    My whole story which is not a guess

    can you really get that mental on minimum wage
  24. Sonzy


    I would dodge all the words with "s" in it if i were you mate, doesn't come out right.
  25. Sonzy


  26. Sonzy


  27. Sonzy


    @JackZ mate u cant be taking head from a 12 year old like this
  28. Sonzy


    Nice joke man!
  29. Sonzy

    Not going to play anymore.

    good, bye
  30. Sonzy


    ur too good for this mate take ur beard somewhere else cutie