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  1. Sonzy

    Why I don’t play pc and only go on the forums

    i always metagame someone try stop me
  2. Sonzy


    honestly his only remarkable quality is how shit he is at golf
  3. Sonzy

    ||BEST GAME 2017||

  4. Sonzy

    Iam officially ,,dead man walking"

    LOOOOOOOL 4head
  5. Sonzy


    mum told me that i don't have any friends so im posting a picture here for ratings to see if i can get some for cheap @Exrobite l8r
  6. Sonzy

    come on perp im going roadcrew

    come on perp im going roadcrew
  7. Sonzy

    Perpheads Civilization Game | 30/12/18 I claim Japan
  8. Sonzy

    Shrekage #5

    it's kinda painful that some effort was put into that editing with the effects yet it's not synced with the audio at all
  9. Sonzy

    Perp highlights #2

    ngl if your going to make something that's under 2 minutes couldn't you atleast get clips of you sniping people who aren't standing still
  10. Sonzy

    Merry Christmas Gift

    is there an option for us who have been abused by bad admins (rating banned)
  11. Sonzy

    Favourite anime(s)

    oh forgot to add hope other ppl can relate to this nearly making my heart conk out
  12. Sonzy

    Favourite anime(s)

    overlord or the entire fate series
  13. Sonzy

    "He's finally gone!!"

    pmsl honestly, i thought for the longest time that you weren't suited for staff. You fitted in way better with seal team biff and people who just play for fun instead of making perp their life. You're welcome to join the army at park on the swings as long as you swear to never blacklist us from...
  14. Sonzy

    Hit reg? [Discussion]

    this isnt a new thing
  15. Sonzy

    Story for Uni

    So, recently i have gotten interviews etc from uni's, and i'm required to bring 2 pieces of written work with me to show what i can do. I'm thinking of writing a story, first making a storyboard then writing a script and a formal story, i really don't care what genre it is. I'm making this...
  16. Sonzy

    Favourite Youtuber

    fuck youtube i see more tits on twitch watching greek
  17. Sonzy

    roast me

    The only thing lower than your eye lookin at the floor is your number of friends after you long them off a million times to play ffxiv which btw is a fucking shit game. i would say more but i'll leave whoever can be asked to read this cancer with ur not so known clout goggles, maybe next time...
  18. Sonzy


    @Corolla enjoys enforcing rules that he himself can't follow :)
  19. Sonzy

    Should this be enforced more?

    The reason no one complains about that is because it's barley a headglitch, you can even see in that screenshot that his gun is half visible. I guess it should be enforced that you can't have hills in the game because heaven forbit ppl might peak from behind them!!!!!
  20. Sonzy


    since when did you become so EdGy u have bad influences
  21. Sonzy

    Curb your net neutrality

  22. Sonzy

    All my fwends

    fuck it
  23. Sonzy


  24. Sonzy

    montage music

  25. Sonzy

    Why I don't flank anymore...

    u have no right to complain about anything with that high fps
  26. Sonzy

    new windows update has fucked me

    Don't know a fix but the update fucked all my settings and i have updates turned off, fuck windows 10.
  27. Sonzy


    where's ur staff badge sir //phone X D D D D
  28. Sonzy


  29. Sonzy

    Firearms Guide

    Holy shit what a fatty load of text when u could have just said 1 sentence. Sorry but it's a dumb from me