Hit reg? [Discussion]

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United Kingdom, Devon
Since perps death my ban I've seen an increase of the shittiest hit reg the world has seen:


For a game mode that tries to replicate real life as much as possible this really is game breaking. Anyone else noticed this aids and is there a plan to fix? @Xquality @Fredy

@David @atomic_wizard ty for clips
1st clip is genuinely a miss first shot, second shot is I believe because you crouch as soon as you shoot, atleast thats what it looks like to me. Also it's source engine being aids, it's something that we can't help in any way, particles and everything that has to load slows you down and messes up where the server registers your movement and character.

I mean you can't expect an engine from 2004 to work as good as an engine from 2017
I have to agree with both @Slayerduck and @Husky as not only is the engine limiting to what @Xquality can do but it has also gotten worse since the new models. There have been times where the hit reg on Phantom Forces is more accurate than perps. There have also been times where I have shot multiple bullets at an officer. (As in the center of the scope was on his chest) and it did nothing. Like it went through him. However your most generic and saddest/unless answer would be that you apparently have bad aim which really isn't the case which just makes you look stupid and childish if that's the first thing that you reply when someones questioning the dying hit reg.
I have to agree with both @Slayerduck and @Husky as not only is the engine limiting to what @Xquality can do but it has also gotten worse since the new models. There have been times where the hit reg on Phantom Forces is more accurate than perps. There have also been times where I have shot multiple bullets at an officer. (As in the center of the scope was on his chest) and it did nothing. Like it went through him. However your most generic and saddest/unless answer would be that you apparently have bad aim which really isn't the case which just makes you look stupid and childish if that's the first thing that you reply when someones questioning the dying hit reg.
Not with the models, rather the players ping and how the server calculates their position
Perpheads need to be 256 tick!!

On a serious note im guessing this has to do with networking since we went from fuckn 60 all the way to 80 slots.

There are ways to optimize this all which can lower ping and improve hitreg but i assume that has already been done by :fredy: and :phteven:
I don't think it's broken, just sometimes doesn't work like it should.
It has to do with tick rate mostly, as well as player ping and the compensation system. Of course, the model's hitboxes also matter, but they're quite big and almost cover more than they should (because of how some heads are bigger than others, everyone should be equal). Then there's also the random factor of where the bullet goes when you shoot. Unlike rainbow six siege 6, the bullets in perp don't go straight where you're aiming because we don't want everyone to have navy seal training. Get lucky :)

Here is a random video I found. He's hitting just fine.
Unlike rainbow six siege 6, the bullets in perp don't go straight where you're aiming because we don't want everyone to have navy seal training. Get lucky :)
Do you not want the server to be more skill based than pure luck? I understand the system however when put into play its extremely frustrating and at times you lose multiples hours of gameplay because of it. :D
Loool its mostly like that with shotguns i blasted 5people once and the shells went through them and they move back and i see the shells on the wall 0damage bullshit