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  1. Itzryzo

    Where you see yourself in 10 years

    wtf is this shitty copywrite free music
  2. Itzryzo

    Top 5 worst rapper of all time

    i like white rappers
  3. Itzryzo

    Crazy shit that happened at your school

    one day my friend jimmy took my higher maths book! I told that little old whippersnapper if he didn't confess i'd challange him for a duel
  4. Itzryzo

    Where you see yourself in 10 years

    at @exrobitten s funeral
  5. Itzryzo

    Where do you put your nail clippings???

    throw them on the floor till theres too many then hoover them up
  6. Itzryzo

    Sureños Applications

    why are u lying about age? change it to 12 and might consider
  7. Itzryzo

    Sureños Applications

    TEMPLATE OOC Steam name: Steam link: Age: IC Name: Firearms: Rifle marksmanship: Cars: Cash: Why would you like to join us?:
  8. Itzryzo


    Sureños, Southern United Raza, Sur 13 or Sureños X3 are groups of loosely affiliated gangs that pay tribute to the Mexican Mafia while in U.S. state and federal correctional facilities. Many Sureño gangs have rivalries with one another, and the only time this rivalry is set aside is when they...
  9. Itzryzo


    Your in-game name: Samuel Smithson Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:142319895 What do you need refunded: Money for T3 Wrecked Ferrari F60, had to repair at RC too Why do you want your item(s) refunded: User was driving on the wrong side of the highway for no reason Evidence...
  10. Itzryzo

    It Was A Pleasure..

  11. Itzryzo

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    @GamingPeach this meme is sponsered by random micromod gang
  12. Itzryzo

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    Its only a game so why care so much about being unbanned, this is a server where people put time in to play fairly. At the end of the day they only ruin afew peoples experiences.
  13. Itzryzo

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    why treat perp like its some super serious e-sport and unban cheaters? The quality is declining in terms of seriousness because we allow bottom of the barrel players back now might i add its quite funny that half the people who agree with this are the cheaters themselves lol
  14. Itzryzo

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    @Dan bit rich coming from you dan
  15. Itzryzo

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    why isn't this man a SA
  16. Itzryzo

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    @Yasha no one is acting like you killed a person you ape lots of people just think you and the rest should stay banned
  17. Itzryzo

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    its just a game please admin i'll suck ur dick to come back please on god i love this game perp is my life
  18. Itzryzo

    Your local Homosexual is to be on TV again

    boris for PM!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
  19. Itzryzo

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    you could get a good plaster going with this wall of text jesus christ
  20. Itzryzo

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

  21. Itzryzo

    Servants Of Jesus application

    hey i think this org is bugged i got accepted and didn't get an invite??
  22. Itzryzo

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    I made almost 4 million in 2 weeks just playing casually but putting money making as a main prority. It was so easy it boggles me how players can complain about money being hard to get im literally a autistic monkey and i found it easy they nerfed it all but still its too op imo meth + coke is...
  23. Itzryzo

    Pug's Re-Introduction

    wow another squeeky zarp guy welcome back
  24. Itzryzo

    Good Luck On Your Examinations

    @smo please inform your mother x
  25. Itzryzo

    Good Luck On Your Examinations

    good luck guys! Just got my results back, turns out im HIV positive! Moms quite proud of me
  26. Itzryzo

    Best rice?

    thai rice best rice
  27. Itzryzo

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    hey guys dont mind me just waiting for a meaningful update you know one that makes it less like cops and robbers and more like a communist utopia
  28. Itzryzo

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    fucking kid jericho i am the best chimp you ever had if i see u on the block again im gonna knock ur furry ass out
  29. Itzryzo

    do you go to the doctor when you are in a near death situation

    walk it off you fucking pussy