OrAnGe mAn BaD!

I made 8 million dollars in Olsen when I was in, and the money I used to join gambled it and got it back in 2 minutes. Also I'm 18 so technically a legal adult reeeeee
That's kinda where the RP in "Serious RP" is just "Serious Shootout Simulator" Because that's all it is at this point.
Ayjay banned one of them yea, your argument is pointless. Claimed that the player base depended on you being back, sad. Perhaps you can play some more once your “chimps” are back just remember to make 2-3 orgs so you can bypass the player limit xo
Whenever I hear people talking about the servers ‘golden days’ it is always related to when there were big org wars and conflict, whether that be The belinskys, la cosa nostra, PP, marmite, cancer minus and Olsen or the German mafia or whatever it was called. The only difference I see now is that there are less players and therefore less orgs to beef with, or alternatively players just decide to cry more, no one is ever going to be happy unless we make it so no one ever loses anything and respawns are instant. The issue people are bringing up about “Olsen returning and being cancer” is set purely on precedents set by previous events, only a handful of old members are even in the org we have now and it is mainly filled with friends/staff and even some newer criminals. Just because we shoot people a lot doesn’t make us “cancer” it’s just childish.
@Husky "I’ve had 2 members banned for meta and another for RDM." Cool story bro. Very valid arguement. Never claimed playerbase was because of me neither do i care because i do not rely on ego unlike other people. Yeah no thanks. Enjoy your circle jerk fiesta at office maybe you can get more people unbanned to join you to "boost" the playercount.
hey guys

dont mind me

just waiting for a meaningful update

you know

one that makes it less like cops and robbers and more like a communist utopia

Not much new to do really, I primarily played PERP for shooting mechanics.
Just realised that if I want to play a game, I'll play csgo or OW instead.
Really cba to grind as that's just retardedly boring imo.
I don't have a problem with any specific orgs, nor do i try to have problems with specific people either. From what I can see as a cop, and I have experienced this myself, is your drive to raid that pushes away RP. Take my recent AR for example of Dai shooting me without saying anything because he wants to raid. I've talked to a few other people who go cop regularly and they say the same thing, "the orange people only want to raid", and as much as I want to say otherwise, I can't prove it. But when you say this, you have 6+ people yell at you in OOC "SlAnDeR" and rate bomb you on the forums. One thing I would love to see make a comeback is orgs that do passive rp. For example, orgs that set up really good gun shops and can describe each and every weapon for sale like they've used it personally for years. But now you have orgs that either base or raid, and I think that's why people complain about them all the time.