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  1. Itzryzo

    Why I think Perpheads is dying.

    honestly i am so sick of these orange players! they raid me i cant defend they are hackers and GAY! :writing::writing::writing::wtf::yawn::yawn::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  2. Itzryzo

    Smithsons Pawn Shop

    just to remind the kind citizens of paralake that i will buy your coke leaves for 1000$ each!! #plpd approved
  3. Itzryzo


  4. Itzryzo


    welcome back i still can't understand a word you say
  5. Itzryzo

    Dai's Goodbye

    see u in a week for the 1000000000th time
  6. Itzryzo

    Show me your dog

  7. Itzryzo


    this is a pre funeral for a person more important than those 2 furries!
  8. Itzryzo

    Deathgarden: BLOODHARVEST aka B-Tec Dead by Daylight

    Hunter tutorial: Take Shotgun Take 2nd Shotgun Activate drones while u run around Jump next to them press q shoot face repeat 5x then execute them
  9. Itzryzo

    Clips since being back zzzz

    you should take my going outside challenge still
  10. Itzryzo

    sup midget

    sup midget
  11. Itzryzo

    Blur - PARKLIFE - CSGO Montage

    thanks, this worked better than my sleeping meds!
  12. Itzryzo

    naruto heads montage

    get back to the ricefields
  13. Itzryzo


    lol see u in a week
  14. Itzryzo

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @Husky you were one of my least fav community members pre loosing virginity to fredy, be intresting to see that you are still one of my least fav community members when you were allowed to return
  15. Itzryzo

    need clips

    will fists count?
  16. Itzryzo

    What are your PC specs?

    Its normally around 40 but i get spikes when people die which is normal
  17. Itzryzo

    What are your PC specs?

    i have a ryzen 7 1700X (i would advise getting the newer series of ryzen), a GTX 1080 and 16gb ram. I may add getting an SSD to put gmod and windows on will increase your fps too. i get 60-50fps at peak times and 100-120fps when theres less than 50 players.
  18. Itzryzo


    don't make me start another thread!
  19. Itzryzo


    @Mage its different when they are right next to the door and you gunpoint them into the back, but guess staff disagree
  20. Itzryzo


    If you don't know the amount of players on at the time is irrelivant to the situation as its supposed to be treated as public areas would be full of people in a normal city. I won't tell you what you should have done however i can tell you that gunpointing me in such a public area in an attempt...
  21. Itzryzo


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Samuel smithson / itzryzo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: idk / george quin His/Her SteamID: dont know Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 / 5.1 gunpointing me in a public area to mug me/raid my shop Evidence (Demo Required)...
  22. Itzryzo

    Smithsons Pawn Shop

    Hi! I'm Samuel Smithson, crafter and regular shop owner in the bazzar. Some of you may know me from my successful business in smith&cook gunsmiths. We are now opening pawn shops in the bazzar. You can come and sell any item of value and we will offer you a very fair price for your item. We will...
  23. Itzryzo

    How to get someone unbanned Ft. Martino

    now ur next great feat is going outside that'll take a while
  24. Itzryzo

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    you cheat, your gone. Its a simple yet effective policy that makes it so next to no cheaters really get through on perp for long. Plus only cheaters want this changed ;)
  25. Itzryzo

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    @JER is killing the server ! ban this idiot!
  26. Itzryzo

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    Also, I belive a quarter of the on duty police is a good number for the amount of people allowed in a situation
  27. Itzryzo

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    well the farm is certainly the top place to have a new job, maybe a new growing system with crops involved? Would be nice if there was things in place also to make it so 10 shitheads with aks dont roll up on uncle joe busy with his wheat crops
  28. Itzryzo

    Servants Of Jesus application

    OOC Information Steam name: yes Age: 15 Playtime: yes IC Information Name: yes Current Balance: 1 000 000 Car(s): honda CR X Favourite Weapon(s): Pistol, rifle, shotgun Previous organizations: The b e n j a m i n s Skills/Talents: good vocal cords, proffesional player. Reason for joining?: to...
  29. Itzryzo

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    I'd love to see an limit on the amount of players allowed to be within an active situation. This would fix much of the aids zerging right now instead of doing the shit of trying to get orgs to be smaller when it doesn't fix the problem, they're all still mates and will all raid together. To make...
  30. Itzryzo

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    I'd say atleast half the staff team is in the metagaming ring right now, i belive strongly that its something that needs to be sorted from the inside to get people to stop metagaming. I watch groups go around and do full raids and scout without speaking a word