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  1. LiquifiedCactus

    Valentines problems

    Stare her down, tear your shirt off and begin beating your chest like a gorilla to assert dominance then when she least expects it, piss on her desk/her to mark your property/territory. Anyone who gives you dirty looks is challenging you and should be disposed of. P.s. Don't make it too...
  2. LiquifiedCactus

    help on broken laptop... Or If you have even a speck of common sense you should know water and electric doesn't mix in the first place.
  3. LiquifiedCactus

    AAABatter13s Ban request - 3.4

    Risking your own life to set an "example", If anything you broke the rules here.
  4. LiquifiedCactus

    What is full ringtones name?

    - Augment - Better Off Alone - Final Countdown - Flight - GreyHound - I Hate Iceland - Insomnia - LRAD -...
  5. LiquifiedCactus

    Stores close at a certain time (Idea)

    No need to over complicate things with all this wait for players to be outside a certain radius shit, Just teleport them out.
  6. LiquifiedCactus

    Share Your Computer Setup

    It's a BIT messy. Spec's :- i5 - 3570k EVGA 980 SC ACX 2.0 Cooler 8GB RAM Samsung Evo 128GB 256 GB HardDrive Caviar Blue 1TB HardDrive Caviar Green NZXT H440 NZXT GRID+ RM750 Peripherals :- Logitech G27 CMStorm QuickFire TK CMStorm Inferno Sennheiser 323d Xbox Controller
  7. LiquifiedCactus


    Who would want to survive an Apocalypse, There would be nobody left to play games with other than the sweaty people who survived.
  8. LiquifiedCactus

    Rewording a part of this rule

    This is a rule about why swat shouldn't go around shooting stuff because their "training", it is worded in a way that explains what they aren't allowed to do, as well as giving a short explanation on the matter.
  9. LiquifiedCactus

    Are this a break of any rule?

    As one suggestion of rules that could be broken by doing this I would say, Law 8.5 (8.5 Aiding Criminals - The aiding of a criminal, other than providing medical assistance, is a criminal offence.) and then Rule 4.1 (4.1 Follow the Law - Government employees must at all times follow the entirety...
  10. LiquifiedCactus

    Are this a break of any rule?

    Good luck with that entire thing as a whole (best shooters, best guns).
  11. LiquifiedCactus

    Drivers License

    People drive don't drive recklessly because they don't know how, they drive recklessly because nobody gives an expletive about driving properly on a game. If you get run over it usually could have been avoided by actually checking before crossing, or not standing on the road like a gorm.
  12. LiquifiedCactus

    Force Leave due to glitch

    I find it difficult to believe that nobody responded to a stuck report, those are the easiest and usually admins will swarm for that report count. Since it is only a myth that admins don't respond to stuck reports, I conclude that you are indeed, lying.
  13. LiquifiedCactus

    Reverse Name Thread

    Someone should get this out of the way aswell
  14. LiquifiedCactus

    Reverse Name Thread

    It's amazing how many people fail to follow basic instructions.
  15. LiquifiedCactus

    Trafic Cams

    For people to change the speed limit in areas there would need to be corresponding speed signs that can change depending on what limit is set, this seems like a great way to add to the servers amazing performance in some areas. In other words people will either get pissed at lag or pissed that...
  16. LiquifiedCactus

    Trafic Cams

    No point going into finer aspects of policing until you can form a competent police force that can handle a common situation.
  17. LiquifiedCactus

    Jail time guide (Cops only).

    Haven't played in a while so I may be wrong but I don't believe there are options for all 10 minutes, so they will have to be rounded up into groups. You should also have a go at adding a ticket section.
  18. LiquifiedCactus


    Looks like you've been voted out, sayonara.
  19. LiquifiedCactus


    Good Riddance
  20. LiquifiedCactus


    I can't be bothered with this community anymore, I'm out.
  21. LiquifiedCactus

    Banrequest for Joshua Bishop

    It's in the middle of a public place, Your using a car when it wasn't a suitable situation for a car. From the looks of things after you "accidentally" CDM that guy you then ignore the gun pointed at you. I hope a ban is given for this.
  22. LiquifiedCactus

    Resigning from staff

    It's sad to see you have no argument against me other than to try and insult me, You just dragged yourself down to the level that you think I'm on. Very sad to see you in such a state.
  23. LiquifiedCactus

    Leyer32s resignation post.

    You weren't forced to leave, You had a decision to make and you made it, Whether it was the correct one, Only time will tell. For your sake let's hope rustics yet to exist server doesn't flop. o/
  24. LiquifiedCactus

    Resigning from staff

    Awkward, Sam you joined another community for a higher rank, Ayjay just resigned... You need to read stuff before you comment
  25. LiquifiedCactus

    Resigning from staff

    Enjoy playing with rustic and your new found power on a server that has yet to exist.
  26. LiquifiedCactus

    Ban Request - Ben Standish

    Demo lag
  27. LiquifiedCactus

    advert for a news paper i am making for the server

    Apply cold water to the burnt area.
  28. LiquifiedCactus

    I maek a spedurt!

    I had a go at this whole SpeedArt maggigy here's the results:
  29. LiquifiedCactus

    Refund Request and a tip to LiqufiedCactus

    Thank you for the tip, In response I give you a tip of your own, If you don't break rules you don't lose anything in an admin sit. I wasn't pissed, It's just a lesson for you to remember. To watch demo you will need the map :