Force Leave due to glitch

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Dear Perpheads,
Me and my friend were growing drugs at the back of puffer so I left them to grow and i left to go and check my bank balance to see if i could purchase and more illegal substances but as i walked towards my automobile, i fell through the floor and to what appeared to be above prison cell 1. i send many help messages and a report but after about 15 mins of unanswered replies i was forced to leave and rejoin. This lead to my drugs dissappering and not returning to my inventory leaving a heavy dent on my every decreasing bank balance. As this was an issue that could of been resolved by an admin a request a refund but not compensation for my loss and distress.

Yours Sincerely,

This has never happened to anyone in the history of PERPheads, ever.

I really doubt you were just walking to your car and you fell through the floor, and somehow appeared in the prison cells. Something must of happened before this to trigger you actually falling through the map and teleporting somewhere.

I'd personally say read the above post (correct your template) and also add some evidence (a demo) showing that this is a bug and it did happen to you.

Your story seems like a big lie. You can't just drop trough the ground since rp_paralakecity is a well-built RP map.

This is some cheap way to get extra drugs, which can't be tolerated.
Please provide evidence and follow the correct template
I find it difficult to believe that nobody responded to a stuck report, those are the easiest and usually admins will swarm for that report count.
Since it is only a myth that admins don't respond to stuck reports, I conclude that you are indeed, lying.
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