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  1. Photon

    Should we have the ability to impeach members of the council?

    Most of the people are fed up with council members' inability to attend meetings and laws being passed unfairly due because there isn't full attendance. If we as the people had the ability to impeach a council member, a new election could be held for an actual member who will attend and so on...
  2. Photon

    Will purchase V.I.P if you return.

    please i have 3.7k
  3. Photon


  4. Photon

    you fucking wot

    you fucking wot
  5. Photon

    What's your favourite car and brand in real life?

    Corvette is love, Corvette is life.
  6. Photon

    Finish it off by line each person

    But then soon enough
  7. Photon

    Finish it off by line each person

    A ding ding
  8. Photon


    if i get 50 zings can i get forum warned for unnecessary posting also :zing: will survive!11!!!
  9. Photon

    Rainbow Six Siege - Episode 1

    this man puts a suppressor on a gun that does 30 damage and uses it on an a 1 speed operator what are you doing blicky
  10. Photon

    >84 is "low firearms >States in post he can craft whatever is under level 84

    >84 is "low firearms >States in post he can craft whatever is under level 84
  11. Photon

    what the fuck are you disagreeing with

    what the fuck are you disagreeing with
  12. Photon

    Buying all guns/ammo/mags

    My firearms is 84, I'll craft whatever you want for a price, just list what you want idk
  13. Photon

    is he now

    is he now
  14. Photon

    my fps

    NO DO NOT INVEST IN DUAL CORES, THEY'RE A WASTE OF FUCKING MONEY. basically most modern games now don't have dual core support and some won't even let you launch them. I strongly advise getting a dual core CPU unless you wanna waste your money like I did when I first built my PC. Ryzen seems...
  15. Photon

    [Awaiting Decision] Change to 5.1

    You're right it would put the chances of you getting mugged at 0%. It would instead raise your chances of being shot and killed. You said yourself this would be almost impossible to track, this compromise wouldn't really work. Deterrents such as the rules don't always work, as you can see...
  16. Photon

    my fps

    I had a 950 before, the 1050 ti I believe is 15-20% faster. Now I have a 1060 6GB SSC, which is about an 80-90% performance increase. The 950 I had didn't really have issues running the game. 20 FPS was playable for me but in most cases I'd get like 40-60 depending on the area and what's going...
  17. Photon


  18. Photon

    pressing f for fallen people who bite the dust

    Connor McGeiger Counter or whatever Also a big F for all those who bet on him and the loss of their food for the week :booty:
  19. Photon


    Do you want it pre built or wanna make it yourself? What kind of things do you expect to do on it? Lots of games? Video editing? Etc
  20. Photon

    fucking traitor

    fucking traitor
  21. Photon

    PERPHeads Language Club

    I speak english, and russian. I also failed spanish 4 times in a row because our class was filled with disabled children who threw airplanes and thought there were rats in the room @ItsAquaaHD
  22. Photon

    happy birthday papa police man can i get sergeant it's been a year thanks

    happy birthday papa police man can i get sergeant it's been a year thanks
  23. Photon

    Server Events - 2/09/2017 Saturday 4PM GMT+0

    We need @Bean Can and myself to massacre the Europeans during the hunger games event to show the true capabilities of an American with a fully automatic rifle.
  24. Photon


  25. Photon

    you are a traitor

    you are a traitor
  26. Photon

    Monthly Raffle for Free VIP

    that is cash
  27. Photon

    A Level/GCSE Results Day Thread

    why the fuck is your grading system so complicated
  28. Photon

    you need to fucking sleep too

    you need to fucking sleep too
  29. Photon

    Monthly Raffle for Free VIP

    ok i give you $200 paypal for confirm win
  30. Photon


    great callout