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  1. Jack P

    I never got to read your response on Shoutbox yesterday, you were gonna teach me English right...

    I never got to read your response on Shoutbox yesterday, you were gonna teach me English right? If I get Helper ;)
  2. Jack P

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    Probably that I tried to throw a broken glass, and hold it like a retard. So I tore my finger up 3 places.
  3. Jack P

    I have a weird sense of humor. I'm not saying what they did was fine and they shouldn't be...

    I have a weird sense of humor. I'm not saying what they did was fine and they shouldn't be punished. But it's the fact how they don't care. I personally find stuff like that both hillarious and annoying.
  4. Jack P

    Ik what Aki and her friend did was stupid, but I can't stop laughing about how calm they just...

    Ik what Aki and her friend did was stupid, but I can't stop laughing about how calm they just walk away.
  5. Jack P

    The Omertas.

    @thehomelessdude He is, but he's not the leader though ^^. We are several leaders. The highest leader I don't even think he's whitelisted rn for police.
  6. Jack P

    Criminal Speeding

    If they're causing danger in the traffic, or other stuff you can take them for reckless driving aswell.
  7. Jack P

    The Omertas.

    That was tragic, just overall tragic.
  8. Jack P

    The Omertas.

    I wouldn't mind going to jail, as long I can use my phone like that c:
  9. Jack P

    The Omertas.

    What do you mean with Act smarter than Perpetrators?
  10. Jack P

    The Omertas.

    Owner is not a PD Main though lol. Jack is just high rank.
  11. Jack P

    I need a new mic

    I agree, Last time you sounded like you had your Microphone up your ass.
  12. Jack P

    Normal or Sparkling water

    Everything raste like something, and "nothing" well that's how water taste like.
  13. Jack P

    I need a new mic

    I had a Blue snowball for a few Years. A Really good reliable microphone. And it can hold to a lot actually can't tell how many times it fell on the floor before it broke lmao.
  14. Jack P

    Normal or Sparkling water

    I've drunk so much soda I've become FUCKING ADDICTED TO IT FUCKING CHRIST
  15. Jack P

    Continental Hotel

    @Collier I would've said that too when someone comes with better ideas that I would ever do :). Jk ly Collier <3
  16. Jack P

    Summer Thoughts?

    If you come to Vejle i'm gonna smack you across the face, just saying ;)
  17. Jack P

    What will be considered "bad" in the future.

    As far as I'm aware, that is already proven to be bad to get, but that's just as far as I'm aware. I mean it's probably gonna make you happier, but it IS pills/drugs afterall and not natural, it has side effects and should mostly be avoided.
  18. Jack P

    24/04/2020 - Community Updates

    Welcome back to the staff team
  19. Jack P

    24/04/2020 - Community Updates

    And of course their my friends, but if I didn't like their work i'm not gonna recommend them. Shay have been doing great job in my opinion, if he hadn't obviously he wouldn't have stayed Moderator for 5 months now? Or been Moderator Twice, without being demoted(As far as I'm aware), clearly he's...
  20. Jack P

    24/04/2020 - Community Updates

    I like Dom, I'm not complaining over him being Senior Moderator, I asked why Shay didn't ALSO get it, not instead of Dom. Hell 3.4K Reports is amazingly done, and Dom deserves that aswell, I really can't deny that and I wont denie that. I like @Dom_ but were not friends, had @Dom_ not gotten...
  21. Jack P

    24/04/2020 - Community Updates

    I am also not upset, it's a genuine question? You're the one upset over me making a question, maybe you shouldn't be upset over a simple curious question? I could go around saying "Why is SpaceShots not Admin?", or Shay, or Blobvis. I am genuinely being a curious member of the community.
  22. Jack P

    24/04/2020 - Community Updates

    I'm friends with almost all the staff members, I have nothing against Dom. For all I care he should be an Admin too, that's not up to me though.
  23. Jack P

    24/04/2020 - Community Updates

    @Dom_ If you're gonna brag about your overall score, how about showing your recent reports where I was staff you did maximum of maybe 15 reports in a week? Mostly 5-6 reports only. After coming back.
  24. Jack P

    24/04/2020 - Community Updates

    Same you could say about other staff.
  25. Jack P

    24/04/2020 - Community Updates

    Can we get any information why @Shay wasn't added as Senior Moderator? I came on and saw he was still Moderator. This is a quite weird thing, Shay is a hard working amazing staff member, I know some people don't have the right opinion about him, but he's been doing a great job both with police...
  26. Jack P

    State of the server

    Before the quarantine I had checked through aswell, there were still 40K people, that is only 10K more, game isn't that dead. It was even one of the games with most players on at that point I checked, at that very moment, atleast at the page I checked.
  27. Jack P

    State of the server

    This is true though, a lot of staff has different opinions on different things. This is staff discretion, not all rules have to be followed by correct point by point Such as building rules, it's whether staff thinks it's fine or not, which I don't feel should need to be changed, except of some...
  28. Jack P

    Summer Thoughts?

    @Jay_ In my town, they start to allow people on the beach with certain conditions.
  29. Jack P

    Summer Thoughts?

    @Jay_ Yes, due to that shit.