Welcome to the Continental.
About us
The Continental Hotel is a new organisation created by Testa Lagusa based in Paralake. It is a mostly passive orginisation that wants nothing more than some good roleplay and to have fun. However, we do participate in criminal activity when convenient to us.
Our Aim
We strive to provide a good experience to our members, be that through legal or illegal activities. We enjoy passively roleplaying and really just want to have some fun and have a laugh. We also open-heartedly welcome new players and aim to give everyone new and old to the city a great time. If anybody is new to town and need some guidance, we are always around and will take good care of you! We want to be a relatively neutral organisation and do not seek rivalry with anyone.
We want to be crystal clear about our members, so this list is subject to change. Though it won't be updated daily.
Founder - Testa Lagusa
Divisional Director - Wao Chow
Regional Managers - Tomiko Ashimura & Christopher Christ
Jimmy Brown, David Peach, Jack Morman, Michael Dutch
The lower ranks won't be listed due to an excessive amount of members.
How to spot us
You will be able to spot us by our formal purple attire. I promise though, we aren't a zerg.
How to Join
We're a friendly and welcoming org, so we will most likely let you in if you are friendly, not a minge, fun to be around or just new. To join either talk to us in-game or fill out this form. I've made it as a google doc in case any newer people were a bit nervous, which I can understand.
We really recommend if you are new, please feel free to apply or reach out to one of us as we would love to introduce you and take you in! Experience means very little to us, that's just there in-case any older players wanted to join.
Your application will be reviewed, if you are accepted you will then be contacted with an in-character forum message in which you’re given details about your interview. You’ll be interviewed in a shop or office, at least one manager will be present at an interview. You will then be invited to the org.
Ground Rules
We have some rules, as does every org. They are simple.
1. Do not mug, kill or target new players
2. Do not start unnecessary issues
3. Respect, cooperate with and do not steal from members
We try to maintain good/neutral relationships with other organisations, but that won't always be possible. When you are "banned", it means you are not allowed on Continental Grounds and violation of your ban will result in correct action being taken against you.
Banned (Rivals)
Final Notes
We aren't a zerg, we aren't trigger happy, we aren't minges and we aren't dicks. Feel free to talk to any of us.

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