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  1. PhlyTrikx

    Break From PERPheads

    Good luck with your exams! ;) Hope to see you in June!
  2. PhlyTrikx

    Rule 3.4 - By Toffelfabriken

    You guys could make an album with all the server rules! :D
  3. PhlyTrikx

    The Farm House

  4. PhlyTrikx

    3.21 - By Swiper The Fox

    Indeed the best. Ever. What I would suggest is having this song playing on loop at the intersection 24/7. Just me? :D
  5. PhlyTrikx

    Cant agree rules

    Although deleting the whole demo's folder is NOT recommended, you can choose to move the folder elsewhere to get faster joining times on the server.
  6. PhlyTrikx

    The Farm House

    This organization was disbanded a while ago. Could anyone maybe close this post (with the approval of Swiper)? Thanks.
  7. PhlyTrikx

    Electroshock weapon

    +support Indeed this could be rather useful if not abused. Which is why only the police should be allowed to have it.
  8. PhlyTrikx

    Realistic Cars Prices

    As mentioned above, lowering the car prices would also mean lowering salaries and making money harder to get overall.
  9. PhlyTrikx

    Hat Tipper

    And then blaming bad coding :P
  10. PhlyTrikx

    My Resignation From PERPheads

    It's called "the best" admin ever :P What a bastard
  11. PhlyTrikx

    Im not resigning but ill take a break.

    Good luck at school, best of luck with whatever you do in the future. You were a great moderator :D
  12. PhlyTrikx

    Kippan's Introduction

    Welcome to the community and have fun you bastard!
  13. PhlyTrikx

    Funny PerpHeads Video w/ Shaniqua

    I joined in late November: just missed it :P Yeah I remember the days when everyone had Audi TT's :S
  14. PhlyTrikx

    I fucked up

    Yeah. I guess pornhub Sound FX count as music ;)
  15. PhlyTrikx


    Come back you bastard!
  16. PhlyTrikx

    Bus Driver Job

    You could always take a taxi
  17. PhlyTrikx

    Player Resets

    Reset it all please! ;) This would be amazing.
  18. PhlyTrikx

    PhlyTrikx's Inactivity Notice

    Hey guysh... I will be gone for around seven days or so. I will definitely not be on the server for those seven days, but I might be on teamspeak a bit. Either way, I hope you bastards have fun without me (shouldn't be too hard). Reason is that I have an English exchange student coming to my...
  19. PhlyTrikx

    Chrissy's Inactivity Topic

    Have fun you bastard! Are you gonna cook for them too?
  20. PhlyTrikx

    My activity status

    That would be nightmare. See you in a bit!
  21. PhlyTrikx

    Headset or New Laptop

    Oh and don't buy the parts at different times as computer parts tend to be out of date very quickly... Pro tip there :)
  22. PhlyTrikx

    The Warning Cone

    Seems like Jarheads is having fun ;)
  23. PhlyTrikx

    Leaving perpheads (Forever this time)

    It's a shame you're leaving. Although I don't quite agree with your criticism on the Admin Team, I respect your opinion entirely. Have a good time wherever you go! :D
  24. PhlyTrikx

    Remove warnings after a year

    No... Just no. If you made mistakes in the beginning, you should show admins that you understand the rules perfectly well than ask for the warnings to be reset. Then again, this is just my opinion.
  25. PhlyTrikx

    The Farm House

    I know I'm being a pain in the ass, but could you add my OOC name (PhlyTrikx) and my number (848-4633)? Thanks :)
  26. PhlyTrikx

    Hello Everyone : )

    Welcome to the community! Hope you have fun with us: Basically just stay away from Toffel and everything will be fine for you. ;)
  27. PhlyTrikx

    Headset or New Laptop

    I might be the only one to think this, but ROG has some pretty kickass computers...
  28. PhlyTrikx

    How tidy is your desk?

    Ind wasn't man enough to say it so... What the fuck?!
  29. PhlyTrikx

    How tidy is your desk?

    That product placement for Razer.... :D