Realistic Cars Prices

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Topic: Realistic Car Prices

Short explanation (in notes):
-Lower Cars Prices
-Current Prices Are Unrealistic

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I Want Server Admins Or Someone To Lower Cars Prices Because They're Unrealistic.
$35 000 For Mini Cooper?! $100 000 For SMALL CHEVROLET SPARK!
I Hate This Prices!!!

Optional additions:
-No Optional Additions
- Support It Would be too easy to get a car. In real life you can get a Mini Cooper for 700-2500 dollars.
I always think one of the biggest objectives of PERP, among other things, is to get the best car, or have enough money to finally get your dream car. Lower prices makes that easier to achieve and I think could reduce the enjoyment of trying to get to your ultimate sports car along a road of guns and cocaine.
Here is why we have the prices. First off, you make tons of money pretty damn fast, and if you are complaining about making only a little bit of money, then either get a good paying job, or grow drugs. The entire system for PERP is currently being revised and changed as you can see in Stephen's sticky post under the ideas page. Stephen will most likely post a very long post why this is not needed, but I am just preparing you for it. This will be denied, as it has been suggested before and there is no need for it as it will be added sooner then later.
One bag of either cocaine or weed sells for $225 - Meaning that if you're not premium and you successfully continually grow both cocaine and weed for 40 mins then you will have earned around 18k, and for premium its around 36k, so it shouldn't take too long to save up for a car.
If you lower the car prices you will have to lower the salary also. The car prices and the Salary is pretty unrealistic.
I will have to give it a -Support
As mentioned above, lowering the car prices would also mean lowering salaries and making money harder to get overall.
-Support. I can think of multiple reasons why this shouldn't be added.

1: It will be alot easier to get a car, and that will also lead to more CDM'ing.
​2: It will lower the salaries dramatically and lower the price of drugs, contra etc.
3: And it will most likely make the tax price "1%" to increase dramatically.
4: It'll make it even harder to get the dream car.
Note: It isn't that the idea is bad it's just not needed. I support you for bringing up this subject, but as mentioned "Not needed"

Have a nice day! :)
-Support, I would like to have it too, but you will have to change all the prices then. Because drugs will be too expensive, and guns, etc. etc.
At the moment, we have all the economy in good shape; it's up to the elected mayor on what the taxes are and how much money we all get for our jobs. The car sales may not be realistic, but they work well and run a great economy.
Guys although the prices are not realistic in comparison to the real life. They are on par with the server's economy standard, when you think about it none of the prices of anything are 'realistic' as such. They correspond with the rest of the economy.
For car prices to change then it would require everything else on the server to change. So it's very unlikely that it would happen.
-1 would be boring if we had to get 1.5k for a volvo with 90k + it makes it fun to get cash
Live with it i saved 2.1million of being cop to get my porsche
Alright I guess I should finally weigh into this, even though many people have already said exactly the problem with adjusting prices. Basically in order for something like this, absolutely everything would need to be reset, as well as we would have to introduce the use of cents, for items with a cost of a fraction of a dollar, as well as nerfing how much everything is worth, considering right now you aren't even selling 1kg of cocaine for $225, so clearly everything is inflated. The main reason for this is to introduce balance, while yes the cars may be very high prices, people have been able to attain every level of vehicle thus far so I don't see much reason to even consider this change. Also this means that the cars have balance in their performance as well, so you essentially get what you pay for, while if they were reduced, it would be much harder to make this the case. If your BMW M3 costs 80k and then a Aston Martin DBS is only like 50k more, clearly it isn't balanced all too well then. Besides you are missing many expenses usually related with a car, insurance, vehicle tabs, flat tires, engine failures, burnt clutches, etc... So you're paying for a car that is essentially a tank as it can never truly be destroyed. While this is both good and bad, I see having realistic prices being mostly a bad thing due to the nature of vehicles currently.
Car prices are high as a counter measure for new players joining just to CDM, It is also a SeriousRP server and the new mini coopers are around that price.
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