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  1. Kimi


  2. Kimi

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Not involved, but you didn’t @Chase
  3. Kimi

    Monke in Paradize [MiP]

    This lowkey slaps... Pistol montage>>>>
  4. Kimi

    Server Suggestion Selling number plates

    I would love if this was added... I for one have some plates I want to sell and also if this was added it might free up some wanted plates. (eg. people sell plates they don't value but others might) Only downside to this is people buying plates they think other players want then selling them to...
  5. Kimi


    Try everything out honestly. I know you will want to make pure money but that is often very grindy and may make you lose interest in the game. I think you should get some cash and spend money on whatever is fun and just enjoy the game.
  6. Kimi

    Goodbye / giveaway

    Fern… Have a good one Nako
  7. Kimi

    Bug Report (Flowering on weed not working?)

    Pretty sure he was raiding but still, good advice. Harvesting on flowering is garbage and isn't reliable. Pretty much common knowledge just to not harvest there unless necessary and if you do there is the chance of getting pure garbage.
  8. Kimi

    I became an Uncle!

    Congrats, lets hope he doesn't adopt your fashion sense...
  9. Kimi

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    I was the person this user stabbed and overall I don’t think they deserve the unban. It’s a 4 day ban, he should just wait it out. Furthermore he showed no remorse during the whole interaction and lied to many individuals (mainly police) claiming I was in the wrong.
  10. Kimi

    Rule Suggestion (3.3 Realistic Actions)

    I think it is pretty clear he was joking but all the same this is a real issue. Also even with a temporary change of allowing people to jump down it would 100% need to be after gunfire meaning its still OP as hell until a physical map change has occured.
  11. Kimi

    rule 3.6 interpretation

    It aint that deep bro, just don't kill yourself. (I was joking to annoy Chris when I asked IG)
  12. Kimi

    Whats the worst thing you have done irl

    Chris Flynn doing something bad is impossible. The worst thing Chris has ever done is worn a flanen shirt that didn't 100% match his jeans. (It's his daily fit and he only wears this nothing else)
  13. Kimi

    Cop main giveaway!
  14. Kimi

    Have you been a targeted individual?

    Unc is tweaking
  15. Kimi

    i am returning

    Simplex how does one achieve a horrendous record as bad as yours? Like jesus I try but yours is next level scumbaggery...
  16. Kimi

    Permabanned giveaway

    Juan Reyes (totally not Juanita Reyes)
  17. Kimi

    Vault Corporation

    Aint no way vault corp fell off this hard
  18. Kimi

    Hello everyone

    Quit while you still can
  19. Kimi

    Furio/Auston funny moments/montage

    How do I petition to permanently ban Donald Trail from ever making any community posts ever again?
  20. Kimi

    Ban Apology (Draxen)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Draxen How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month Your Steam Name: Juan Your Roleplay Name: Juan Reyes Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76561199124370948 Why were you...
  21. Kimi

    PLPD Online Suggestion Make it so you can apply directly to become a dispatcher

    Bnjemann I think he means no PD req, EG. the requirement to be a police officer before becoming a dispatcher.
  22. Kimi

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    Make this so it isn't anonymous, I want to see what fiends are telling me I have to surrender.
  23. Kimi

    Resignation / Goodbyes

    My best friend Chris Flynn I know this will be hard on you but try not to cry.
  24. Kimi

    Ban Dispute (Draxen)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Draxen How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days Your Steam Name: Juan Reyes Your Roleplay Name: Juan Reyes Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76561199124370948...
  25. Kimi

    Action Request (roos)

    Your Steam Name: Juan Your Roleplay Name: Juan Reyes Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:582052610 Player's Steam Name: roos Player's Roleplay Name: Hayes Maddox Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524310229 Why should this player be punished?: Unrealistic movement... We settled in an f6 that neither of...
  26. Kimi

    Action Request (Unknown)

    No I did not know he had died and I made sure it was within the revenge time
  27. Kimi

    Action Request (Unknown)

    I have no evidence I mean I’m in a different country rn anyway so if I did have a clip I can’t check and to be clear I was right at his door a step or two back because it har been opened pushing me back and he gped me and I think so did Knut (another player)
  28. Kimi

    Action Request (Unknown)

    You did gp me I was banging on slums four asking for Knut and then he opened the door and you had your gun aimed directly at me until someone else who was also gping me told me to leave so I left
  29. Kimi

    Action Request (Unknown)

    Sorry A1L I havent been on forums it was 1 hour 30 minutes after he raided me and I saw him leave his apartment and come back a few times so I camped by the door waiting for him to come back and killed him. It was within the revenge time limit so I decided to take my revenge not knowing he had died
  30. Kimi

    Action Request (Unknown)

    He gped me up in his friends apartment of slums 5 for no reason which is a threat to life so I attempted to kill him