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  1. Jonah

    a change of heart

    Regardless of him saying ánything or nothing you should still do nothing. You knew very well that you were under gunpoint regardless. Why did you try to run him over then? Justify that. As soon as your vehicle got disabled you tried to run straight towards him to .. kill him while unarmed..? I...
  2. Jonah

    Not at all

    Not at all
  3. Jonah

    Don't make me do more baguette asmr

    Don't make me do more baguette asmr
  4. Jonah

    a change of heart

    Regardless of him being your friend you still broke the rules regardless. Even though you might be just messing around with friends this does not justify your actions. Look at the recent ar on SpaceShots. The fact that I am not directly involved does still not justify your actions. You broke...
  5. Jonah

    First Montage

    I thought it was going to be a TFU montage at first but it wasn't overall nice stuff doode
  6. Jonah

    Ability to do Cocaine Suggestion

    I think medics should have that ability so they're more useful. not a bad idea tho
  7. Jonah

    a change of heart

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Jonah / Jonah Eru His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Megafro // ??? His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120899456 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Drove away under direct gunpoint of an officer, tried to run him over for no reason at all The officer opened fire on megafro his...
  8. Jonah

    My first montage #1

    Pretty chill montage, only thing that I found annoying in ur montage is that almost you would fade out every clip and then fade in the next clip. beside that pretty nice
  9. Jonah

    Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor.

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Decrease tfu their movement speed when they are wearing full armor. Full description of the idea: TFU will be able to choose between 2 armor sets. One set of armor will be the...
  10. Jonah

    How can we save Criminal RP?

    where is the fucking clan
  11. Jonah

    all good thanks man <3

    all good thanks man <3
  12. Jonah


  13. Jonah


  14. Jonah

    Thank u man <3

    Thank u man <3
  15. Jonah

    thanks <3

    thanks <3
  16. Jonah

    Thx <3

    Thx <3
  17. Jonah

    Thank u man

    Thank u man
  18. Jonah

    thank u <3

    thank u <3
  19. Jonah

    Thank you <3

    Thank you <3
  20. Jonah

    Computer upgrade suggestions.

    A good thing to know might be the games you're trying to play on your pc.
  21. Jonah

    yo vro dont expose me like that

    yo vro dont expose me like that
  22. Jonah

    Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Crashing on Launch

    tf you mean i am getting no issues on mp
  23. Jonah


  24. Jonah

    Take your fps on next level ["new" way][100% legit no scam]

    Anyone experienced any cons while using 64 bit?
  25. Jonah

    Lagg spikes

    Got the same problem for ages now, Before the ''tfu and lights updates'' lag spikes were not as common compared to now a day.
  26. Jonah

    Anyone good at editing really blured photos/videos to get something

    You want us to unblur something on an image..? Im confused.
  27. Jonah

    vehicle physics appreciation thread

    i want to replicate that in game now.
  28. Jonah

    Its ma birthday my kiddos

    goodjob man u almost failed no nut november.