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  1. BillySavery

    Ban Request Ros Davidson (more included)

    You told Swiper we mugged you for 300k. You're just mad you got robbed. Not only that but it is a drug dealer you don't have to threaten them. Also you was like the 5th person we mugged there in like ten minutes and we banged all the npc's a good 3 times each.
  2. BillySavery

    Bug Reports - Didn't know what thread to post it in!

    Okay so last night about 3am a load of us was fucking about with bats but it done this weird thing wear you couldn't see the hitting animation or the stance when you hold the bat. People were just floating around and you heard the hitting and swinging of the bat. Kinda like the whole situation...
  3. BillySavery

    [Ban Request] Liam (Breaking rule 1.1)

    ayyyyyy, get the BR down now admon Why you rating that dumb NameInsane? Is it because you're banned? Kek
  4. BillySavery

    Can hab plyer of montth? plox

    Can hab plyer of montth? plox
  5. BillySavery

    [Ban Request] Liam (Breaking rule 1.1)

    - Support, Like Krinkles said, Liam is hotheaded and he apologised, Warning most. In my opinion 1.1 should be altered to where it's only a ban if a DDOS or family is mentioned.
  6. BillySavery

    Player of the Month April 2015

    Because I am better than you
  7. BillySavery

    Ban Request on Karl Anderson & Aaron Freeman

    There was no Rp to begin with
  8. BillySavery

    Ban Request on Karl Anderson & Aaron Freeman

    I would have run aswell, IT ISN'T the right thing to do but you shouldn't have to be in a fail situation where you have to run from gunpoint. Getting a refund request is hassle and can take some time to sort out. I wouldn't have necessarily run into the hospital though, I would have run to the...
  9. BillySavery

    Residential boosts.

    If everyone on the server knew about this system it would make the delivery job more common. Stephen what do you think of the idea of the perk system to some of the commercial buildings?
  10. BillySavery

    Residential boosts.

    After reading all of the comments I feel the furniture system shouldn't be touched because like you all said people like to set up their own apartments how they seem fit (Their own preferred defence system) However I still think that the ovens at the takeaway should be made active (Only for...
  11. BillySavery

    Mayor be able to make Polls

    That's the point, hopefully it will increase RP in that area.
  12. BillySavery

    Best RP gamemode besides PERP

    SchoolRP is quite good and MethRP too.
  13. BillySavery

    Done, Dik pik NOW

    Done, Dik pik NOW
  14. BillySavery


    2 HQ defenders? Kek, don't let Standish find out where you base
  15. BillySavery

    April Fools

    Holy shit did not think it could get worse...
  16. BillySavery

    April Fools

    Shame you were a shit admin
  17. BillySavery

    April Fools

    I really hope Perp doesn't lose population because people are jumping ship to the dark RP server. P.s I hate minges and jokers.
  18. BillySavery

    Residential boosts.

    Topic: Residential boosts Short explanation (in notes): - Get extras for when you buy shops/houses/restaurants - Adds a bit of realism because IRL when you buy apartments/restaurants there is usually stuff already in place there Detailed description (why should it become added/...): E.g...
  19. BillySavery

    BillySavery Ban Request

    Not only that but you can clearly see Krinkles say "Was going to explain it but you're being a dick" you died because you glitched into our van but started to QQ in LOOC straight away not only that but you was ramming my van to get to the crime scene quicker. I will be very disappointed if I...
  20. BillySavery

    BillySavery Ban Request

    You rammed my van and you got glitched between my van and your medic car and then you called me a moron after I called you a faggit? I mean isn't that being a hypocrite?
  21. BillySavery

    BR On Yoddo Cacuzza, Noah Santiago, Mattias Bishop-2.1, Possible 3.4

    1. You have blocked your windows with wooden boards in a quiet, peaceful, neighborhood, he has every right to question you. In most cases police raid because of boarded windows. 2. A cop giving you a ticket shouldn't influence you to kill him, it is unrealistic.
  22. BillySavery

    Billy Belinsky - Ban Request

    Carrying on from Viktor's paragraph you also had your back turned when I banged you
  23. BillySavery

    Billy Belinsky - Ban Request

  24. BillySavery

    What is your Snapchat?

    What is your Snapchat?
  25. BillySavery


  26. BillySavery

    Alex Dunn breaking 3.4

    - Support Honestly, it looks like things happened to fast not only that but you was trying to shoot someone outside PD which is unrealistic
  27. BillySavery

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Tournament

    Looking for a team. Ex Nova 3
  28. BillySavery

    [Suggestion] Automatic Mayor Electing (V1.0)

    Just to clarify this for me, are you suggesting doing elections if there is less than 5 people running for mayor after a certain period of time because you don't want to wait to find more people to run for mayor?
  29. BillySavery

    BR on David Peach

    I may have been wrong with the posting and I would like to have this request taken down, if any action is to be taken against me for any rule breaking on my behalf then so be it.