Residential boosts.

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Topic: Residential boosts

Short explanation (in notes):
- Get extras for when you buy shops/houses/restaurants
- Adds a bit of realism because IRL when you buy apartments/restaurants there is usually stuff already in place there

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

E.g... When you buy restaurants in game there should be ovens already in place for the buyer but he/she can't move them and when you buy office there should be some tables and chairs already in place, that again, can't be moved.

Another example would be when people are in glass co, you could get decreased crafting time (Because Glass co IC is a manufacturing company) this would be carried out in a RP fashion if some models of electric tools were placed around the place.

The junkyard, when owned, could automatically spawn in spanners or something along those lines.

I feel that this should be added because I know the admins want more time spent in inactive areas (Like Junkyard, business shops and that restaurant under the bridge, I can't remember it's name) If you was to add these "boosts" into inactive areas then hopefully they would get used more often.

Apologies if this has already been suggested, I couldn't find anything close to it. :)
+ Support. Would be nice not having to furniture houses and other areas. Dont really want to see the boosts such as the decreased crafting time.

Completely support this, but for the stove, Xquality has to redo the whole map just to add stoves.
The furniture idea has been suggested and denied before as the player is able to buy props to make their property look better. As for the 'boost' idea I don't think it's needed and I don't think it will increase the amount of people using a current property.
+/- Support

I like the idea of reduced crafting times it seems realistic but I dislike the idea of furniture already being there, I mean that's why we have the furniture implemented in the game. If we would just throw furniture there could be complications for example; where you may want a 'board room' with a big table and chairs, someone else may want an office. You never know what people want that's the reason why the room are empty so that people can change the room décor according to the RP they want to take part in.
I'm not going to lie, there was talk a few times of having a set design or two (or more) that you could pick from when buying a property and it would furnish to a certain extent. However, the problem I personally always have with any such thing is... What point is there in having your own then, other than to create "defenses" which seems wrong. Also as @Xquality made the map, we had the idea people would furnish buildings themselves. However somethings have changed since then, so yes workable ovens would be nice and such. But they would require changes to the map in some locations. So if he ever does get around to making V3 (no guarantees there) I will probably have him change some things like that.

Anyways, in some respects I like this idea for the fact it would create props in realistic locations with little effort and "admin approved" but I don't like how it makes personal props useless.

Perhaps allowing a person to pick certain items predefined at the realtor that if its in their storage it'll place in the property, so you still need it yourself. If the item gets stuck in something upon spawning, it would be automatically returned.

There's my feeling of this idea. (This might be a bit of a pain just because of all the combinations we would need to define for people to use. But could be good too)
After reading all of the comments I feel the furniture system shouldn't be touched because like you all said people like to set up their own apartments how they seem fit (Their own preferred defence system)

However I still think that the ovens at the takeaway should be made active (Only for that property and they only become active when the property has been brought)

I feel like some sort of perk should be added to Junkyard, something that would add to the RP/Realism. I am not quite sure what at the moment as it is 3:30am. There should be other properties, that doesn't have much RP to it because of their unpopularity, that get some sort of perk that relates to said property to attract players to it and increase RP/Realism.

As Stephen said "I don't like how it makes personal props useless" is the main reason why the furniture system shouldn't be altered.
I'm not saying your idea is bad, what my comment meant was having the furniture essentially given to you by the bank is bad. I don't mind the idea of you selecting various furnishings to have automatically placed from your storage, but they would be frozen in place so if you aren't VIP you could still have a decent place without wobbly props.

I personally am very much against having buildings set up to be "bases" or have "defenses", so with this, the furniture would be preapproved by admins essentially as they aren't placed by users directly.

Truth is this could add onto delivery in the sense that once you've picked all the items you want the bank to do, the delivery person could be sent the order that when delivered it'd essentially spawn in all the furniture as needed. Hard part is not making the spawning have people get stuck in it. So perhaps requiring everyone to leave the property before delivery can be made. This would obviously result in a cash bonus for delivery as well.

So I think it's a decent way to ensure houses are houses and not just a building with everything made into a bulletproof area. Key thing to note I always am looking for ways to improve buildings and not for defensive purposes but giving them more use/lived in feel. This applies for residential/shops/business buildings.
I honestly don't like the idea of having preset furiture, because it would make it useless to craft other furnitures, but if they were "automatically placed from your storage" (as SP said) then it would be okay.

I also like a lot the idea of the deliverying the fornitures, but the main problem i see is: what happens when there isn't any deliveryguy?
+Support Great idea and I was thinking of this myself!
I honestly don't like the idea of having preset furiture, because it would make it useless to craft other furnitures, but if they were "automatically placed from your storage" (as SP said) then it would be okay.

I also like a lot the idea of the deliverying the fornitures, but the main problem i see is: what happens when there isn't any deliveryguy?
If everyone on the server knew about this system it would make the delivery job more common.

Stephen what do you think of the idea of the perk system to some of the commercial buildings?
Well in my opinion there should be 2 choice like;

Bazaar Shop 6

Unfurnished: 2300$ - Buy
Furnished: 3600$ - Buy

That can be good if we can have choices while buying buildings or apartments.
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