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  1. R-Flex


    Whats even the point of making it 8 levels if its gonna be that low then just totally remove it.
  2. R-Flex


    Yes but also have the guns usable at 0 strenght although easier at 5/5
  3. R-Flex


    Maybe totally remove marksmanship and tie it with strenght in the genetics tab?
  4. R-Flex

    The Republic of Wadiya Applications

    hello can i join please!?
  5. R-Flex

    Graphics Card/Processor

    Big Company games which are heavily advertised. For example Call of duty , destiny , gta , fallout , doom
  6. R-Flex

    Graphics Card/Processor

    Then depending on your budget get a GTX 1050TI Or GTX 1060 The 1060 will run all Triple A games ultra settings 1080p 60 fps
  7. R-Flex

    Graphics Card/Processor

    Cuz you probs got shit processor
  8. R-Flex

    Graphics Card/Processor

    also 8 gb of ram if you got any lower. And for graphics card gtx 1050 TI is ok or GTX 1060 for best price performance
  9. R-Flex

    Graphics Card/Processor

    graphics card
  10. R-Flex


    I have already played the closed alpha : )
  11. R-Flex

    Official goodbye lel

    I though you had already quit "gaming"?
  12. R-Flex

    Bye for now.

    Had good times : ). See ya dude
  13. R-Flex

    How can we revive?

    Em you are taking this server abit to seriously lol. How can you compare people fighting for each others equal rights to "fighting" for a change on garrys mod perpheads. Either they do what the community wants or the server loses popularity lol.
  14. R-Flex

    "An Administrator's discretion" is retarded

    The issue is that there is no guide to inform staff on what specifically is right and wrong. Its pretty stupid to cry for something like this though.
  15. R-Flex

    I will post a picture of the old PERP every day until it's fixed

    Not so old but still different from now. These were from my old laptop thus the low fps and res : )
  16. R-Flex


    use two authenticator for steam lol
  17. R-Flex

    A quick guide to the Weapons of PERP.

    Ammo: 5 Rounds Damage: 1 shot to the head 2 shot to the body. A single shot will bring a player down to majorly injured Best use: any range works well. But make sure you dont miss since the reload takes loads of time. Additional info: Long reload
  18. R-Flex

    How can we revive?

    theres a difference between people just making a mistake or breaking 1 rule and others fucking around being annoying.
  19. R-Flex

    Identifying Vehicles

    what if its a stolen car?
  20. R-Flex

    How can we revive?

    In order to get refunds you are forced to report players.
  21. R-Flex

    The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

    Or make it only for corporals+ without application if you want to keep some of the grinding and reward aspect
  22. R-Flex

    CSGO Beastournament

    1. Your steam name R-Flex 2. CSGO rank (for balancing issues, where applicable) Was MG1 now silver 3 cuz i barely play 3. How confident you are you will win Not to much not to little
  23. R-Flex

    Change rule 3.3

    And metal is penetrable
  24. R-Flex

    Change rule 3.3

    Anything thats wallbangable has been made that way on purpose if they wanted you to not wallbang they would remove the feature
  25. R-Flex


    Not sure dont remember but i think he wasnt due to him being a new player or something.
  26. R-Flex

    [CS:GO] Clockwork 5 - NikkyyHD

    Is it even csgo anymore?
  27. R-Flex

    Call directly from Messages.

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Being able to call the person directly from a message Full description of the idea: So if someone texts you give the ability for the person to make a direct call from the messenger app instead of...
  28. R-Flex


    Make sure you have selected "Allow all custom files from server" ?
  29. R-Flex

    GP of cops