Identifying Vehicles

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Everyday I play on the server, specially since I'm cop 99% of the time, I notice how important it is to be able to identify vehicles (i.e. in a car chase). I'm kinda frustrated because I could do my job so much better if I could identify almost every single car brand that was trying to evade me, even more the model, yet I'm unable to unlike some other officers who can yell 'em out on the police radio ezpz. I'm even more motivated to learn since it's cool knowledge to have, and may one day come in handy IRL.

What did you guys do to identify vehicles? Any apps?

You will slowly learn them as you soon realize that everyone in PERP (including me) has a supercar so you only have to memorize about 15 different brands and their models.

Or just be good at recognizing cars, they're not hard even if you're not a car guy. Might also have to do with the fact that I had a year experience as a car mechanic and the only thing you see all day are cars.
tbh its more annoying to know all the car names and types when you tell them in radio, not everyone knows them and its always confusing.

Just say color, type of car(SUV, Sedan, Hatchback, Sport) how fast it goes, how many seats and how many people are in them and that should be just fine.
tbh its more annoying to know all the car names and types when you tell them in radio, not everyone knows them and its always confusing.

Just say color, type of car(SUV, Sedan, Hatchback, Sport) how fast it goes, how many seats and how many people are in them and that should be just fine.
I tend to include brand, model, car type, amount of doors, occupants and color when alerting of a chase.
Sometimes there are a couple of cars I don't know, so I tend to just skip model or brand and head straight to car type.

I'm by far not a car enthusiast or slightly interested, but I learned to get used to the cars and people in the area. Creepis tends to drive a Ford Shelby GT1000 (it's the car i've seen the most from him), iirc, Bean Can, his tesla or his Bugatti ss. Me, the Ferrari F12.

This motherfucker can tell the type and country of an enemy tank by just looking at its silhouette from probably 3-5km distance.
It's all about practice.
1. smash their car into a wall when possible
2. look at their face
3. be a fast typer and do /me writes license plates
4. boom you got their name

Does it match the driver? - Warrant