Search results

  1. Deshawn Tyson

    Action Request (wockhardt, wockesha)

    Your Steam Name: Deshawn Tyson Your Roleplay Name: Deshawn Tyson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:113138281 Player's Community Name: @wockhardt, wockesha Player's Roleplay Name: Jamie Wetherspoon, Autumn Wins Why should this player be punished?: At the Drug dealer spot i gunpointed them and told them...
  2. Deshawn Tyson

    Mazda Furai Raffle

    dw you are special
  3. Deshawn Tyson

    Mazda Furai Raffle

    STEAM_0:1:113138281 i like winning cars, as in every aspect of life
  4. Deshawn Tyson

    fuck you!

    fuck you!
  5. Deshawn Tyson

    Decal Competition Discussion

    having the posts to be voted is not fair. i dont have any friends and people wouldnt vote my shit even if its good, they would vote on their own friends. choosing a winner by community votes is a bad idea in everything. (maybe staff voting on the posts would be a better idea idk)
  6. Deshawn Tyson

    love how flux turned this profile into a shitposting bin lmao

    love how flux turned this profile into a shitposting bin lmao
  7. Deshawn Tyson

    The Tricycle

    please leave this thread to RTU command and deal with your section. your knowledge of traffic laws seems inadequate. Regards, Deshawn Tyson
  8. Deshawn Tyson

    3 me up

    3 me up
  9. Deshawn Tyson

    PERP moments!

    6.04 is funny af lmao
  10. Deshawn Tyson

    [MEDIA] how you gonna explain battoning down an armed suspect and risking your life as...

    how you gonna explain battoning down an armed suspect and risking your life as probationary officer? you are my servant from now on or ill make AR :)
  11. Deshawn Tyson

    Server Suggestion Earning off your ban timer

    cons might be 1-giving sweaters free money might not be good 2-might be hard to code 3-there are probably more banned people than NPC's but i like the idea of giving banned people a chance to prove themselves via doing boring stuff but again would be debatable which bans should be earned off and...
  12. Deshawn Tyson

    My Goodbye

    please make an f6 and be patient
  13. Deshawn Tyson

    PERPHeads Event Points - How to redeem + stats.

    ah, i wasn't informed of that. ill watch out for discord announcements from now on then. thanks.
  14. Deshawn Tyson

    PERPHeads Event Points - How to redeem + stats.

    did you invite me to these events??
  15. Deshawn Tyson

    PERPHeads Event Points - How to redeem + stats.

    keep giving false info just because we dont have the logs. personally ive never been invited to an event in the last month.
  16. Deshawn Tyson

    Refund Request (ak-101 with stock, comp and full mag)

    Your Steam Name: Deshawn Tyson Your Roleplay Name: Deshawn Tyson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:113138281 What do you need refunded?: ak-101 with stock, comp and full mag Why should this request be considered?: my last AR was accepted, i was executed by a new player for no reason and i lost my...
  17. Deshawn Tyson

    If they weren't losing they wouldn't have been stealing our food. Indeed, they are losing...

    If they weren't losing they wouldn't have been stealing our food. Indeed, they are losing...
  18. Deshawn Tyson

    @flugs ive most likely passed it, thank you for your good wishes!

    @flugs ive most likely passed it, thank you for your good wishes!
  19. Deshawn Tyson

    Medic And Firefighters Rank Progression

    are those bottom three starwars helmets?
  20. Deshawn Tyson

    Action Request (CallhimJP) the relevant part should be at the very end since i stopped the demo right after my death
  21. Deshawn Tyson

    thanks flux!

    thanks flux!
  22. Deshawn Tyson

    Action Request (CallhimJP)

    Your Steam Name: Deshawn Tyson Your Roleplay Name: Deshawn Tyson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:113138281 Player's Community Name: @CallhimJP Player's Roleplay Name: idk Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:162699527 Why should this player be punished?: i was walking into projex apartment with my gun on my...
  23. Deshawn Tyson

    SEASON 2 FINALE: Perpheads Day 8-10

    please carry some extra mags im frustrated
  24. Deshawn Tyson

    @flux we dont look alike

    @flux we dont look alike
  25. Deshawn Tyson

    Drug overhaul

    a friend of mine has done every drug. he is using meth atm im sure he can help better than you in case dank needs it. im not joking give him like 5-10 euros he can even make a guideline. all for perp...
  26. Deshawn Tyson

    Drug overhaul

    Will this update contribute to the overinflation in perp or fix it?
  27. Deshawn Tyson


    wtf are deez emotional words? keep your shit together we dont need tears we need more punished people
  28. Deshawn Tyson

    it's not christmas

    My fellow perp friends! I must inform you that celebrating christmas is haram! I encourage you to say NO to devil's work and do your prayers in the name of ALLAH inshallah.
  29. Deshawn Tyson

    Melee Update - 15/12/2021

    My fists are still more powerful than those melee thingies