Search results

  1. Deshawn Tyson

    Action Request (Deshawn Tyson)

    This will be a long text since im accused of doing 3 seperate things: 1- About me murdering someone in front of cops (it was being dealt with in game but idk if the report was concluded) it can clearly be seen that i didn't see or hear any cops 2- About me tiering his car on purpose this car...
  2. Deshawn Tyson

    Let me introduce myself...

    my character is a drug lord like everyone else in the server
  3. Deshawn Tyson

    good job blackdown im proud of you

    good job blackdown im proud of you
  4. Deshawn Tyson

    Best £1 cameo

    ive just opened this in the middle of the night with full sound and this fucking guy is moaning i hope no one in the house heard this
  5. Deshawn Tyson

    Refund Request (Scar (full mag, comp, stock, microdot sight) for me and for Omar Smith Hk45 (supressor, full mag))

    Your Steam Name: Deshawn Tyson Your Roleplay Name: Deshawn Hatch Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:113138281 What do you need refunded?: Scar (full mag, comp, stock, microdot sight) for me and for Omar Smith Hk45 (supressor, full mag) Why should this request be considered?: 2 guys we were raiding...
  6. Deshawn Tyson

    collier is 1.90m and 90kg with full of muscle what are you on about

    collier is 1.90m and 90kg with full of muscle what are you on about
  7. Deshawn Tyson


  8. Deshawn Tyson

    Refund Request (AK-47 (comp, stock, mag, red dot sight), HK45 (mag, silencer), AK-74U (mag, stock))

    Your Steam Name: Deshawn Tyson Your Roleplay Name: Deshawn Wolf Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:113138281 What do you need refunded?: AK-47 (comp, stock, mag, red dot sight) Why should this request be considered?: lost it due to a maze type base Evidence Type: Staff Member Name of Staff Member...
  9. Deshawn Tyson

    do u find me as a problem to this community

    finley, since the first day you started playing on this server you kept saying people hate you and do you realise that everytime you said that no one said they hate you? in fact you are always told that its just a game and no one hates you. I think due to your age, you are taking things...
  10. Deshawn Tyson

    Server Suggestion Remove workbench access from keys/storage and go back to chest/trunk

    stop killing the crafting market accept this suggestion
  11. Deshawn Tyson

    Ight imma head out

    i was smart for 1-2 months then i came back to perp and lost half of my brain cells im disabled now
  12. Deshawn Tyson

    Ight imma head out

    this is one smart person
  13. Deshawn Tyson


    unlucky, you could have a bright future
  14. Deshawn Tyson

    Ability to lockpick/crowbar chests and crafting tables

    next suggestion: remove raid timer and allow shooting unarmed people in raids
  15. Deshawn Tyson

    Update log - 11/08/2021

    Everything looks good but i would also like to have loading bar for clamping itself too in order to prevent minge clamping
  16. Deshawn Tyson

    can we demote him pls

    can we demote him pls
  17. Deshawn Tyson

    Random clips n stuff

    bro the conversation at the PD parking lot was dangerous on its own and cutting it to 3-4 pieces dont help at all. It's OUT OF CONTEXT pls dont ban me
  18. Deshawn Tyson

    Action Request (Xeronise)

    @Max and in my opinion crashing a tesla into a poll on a straight road is way more harder than me crashing an already shot p1 on a bumpy road. if he can show a video on how he crashed it im all fine with it. someone might have pushed him and caused him to lose control. then it would be an...
  19. Deshawn Tyson

    Action Request (Xeronise)

    i didn't do it on purpose tho? while driving your car at hicktown 2 sweaters shot your car and disabled it to mug me and i had only 1 wrench on me ive used the wrench but obviously it didnt repair much. then i lost control at the farm road due to a bump on the road and crashed it. It having been...
  20. Deshawn Tyson

    Action Request (Xeronise)

    Your Steam Name: Deshawn Tyson Your Roleplay Name: Deshawn Wolf Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:113138281 Player's Steam Name: Xeronise Player's Roleplay Name: Jamie Hustle Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52192104 Why should this player be punished?: After his org member killing me, the user stole my car...
  21. Deshawn Tyson

    Delta 1: 12 Pursuits in One Day!

    thanks for the 25k :)
  22. Deshawn Tyson

    Delta 1: 12 Pursuits in One Day!

    if you guys can count there are quite a few pursuits that tyla didn't show how they caught me because they didn't :)
  23. Deshawn Tyson

    Server Suggestion Flex items / display / rp items: Alternative weapon appearances.

    wouldn't it be too fancy for a serious RP server ?
  24. Deshawn Tyson

    Warning Dispute (Double J)

    if admins go and take another look at the scrapyard they will see how open that area is. i think there is no way that much of an open place (also just beside a road) could be considered non-public since there are far more view-restricted areas where you are not allowed to mug. idk why dom would...
  25. Deshawn Tyson

    Warning Dispute (Double J)

    -involved- its not about whether you temporarily block the view with cars nor how the certain props were there to constrict the view. its about accessibility and how many people would see that in a broad daylight in an area like business where its crowded and busy. That's why you can't mug...
  26. Deshawn Tyson

    Magnum Coast [Recruiting]

    @ChyperLord wipe him
  27. Deshawn Tyson

    delta 1 cringeeee -A cheffz

    lower the volume