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  1. obidan66

    Helper Role seperate to staff

    @Inchs I just gave you the literal definition as presented by AyJay, which most likely went through by Bolli or Fredy. Take it or leave it, I don't care. But as a staff member that you actually are, you might want to be able to research your own stuff. It literally took me 15 seconds to find the...
  2. obidan66

    Helper Role seperate to staff "Helper An old rank however with a slightly different purpose. This will replace the first rank you apply for to join the staff team, you can then apply for Enforcer a week later or stay at this role to assist with smaller...
  3. obidan66

    Helper Role seperate to staff

    @LilChicken Again jumping to conclusions. I always read the entire suggestion. I comprehended the nature of the suggestion and I respectfully disagree. Please get off your high horse and stop giving me an attitude.
  4. obidan66

    Helper Role seperate to staff

    I mean... I really just don't see what the big deal is. This entire thread is about a minor technicality.
  5. obidan66

    Helper Role seperate to staff

    The fact that it's classified as the staff doesn't really mean anything. Helpers have no real power or authority. They're literally there just to help. That's why Enforcer is a completely separate role.
  6. obidan66

    Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

    Description of the idea: I believe that we should get more nicely modeled consumables to the server, in the form of food and drinks that the players could craft themselves from base materials that could be bought from vendors (Gas Station or Fredy's). These crafted foods could provide larger...
  7. obidan66

    Veteran forum badge

    Agreed, I've suggested something similar to this quite a while back and expectedly received similar backlash, but I for one believe that it would be a great thing to add, to commend those who have been with the community for such a long time. It would not only add depth to the system but could...
  8. obidan66

    Decrease Respawn timer, Increase NLR

    @Daigestive I simply disagree. It's completely okay for you to have your own opinion on this, but I have my own and I'm sticking to it. However, I appreciate you trying to change my mind with a few constructed arguments. Sadly my opinion on this is set.
  9. obidan66

    Decrease Respawn timer, Increase NLR

    Moving on does not necessarily mean improving. In this case, I believe that some things should simply not be changed. Again, if you respawn shortly after death and can go on to do whatever else, that incentive to actually not die again and value your life, because otherwise you risk staring at a...
  10. obidan66

    Decrease Respawn timer, Increase NLR

    Hard disagree. PERPheads PERP has always been unique for several reasons and has remained so for a long time, one of these reasons being that death on the server has actual consequences. You die? You wait like 10 minutes to respawn and lose all of your currently equipped items. It makes you not...
  11. obidan66

    Perpheads meeting recording with timestamps

    This is single-handedly the best thing I've seen all day. Omg, I'm crying
  12. obidan66

    Model Suggestion Beer / Ciggars last longer

    Massive plus one! This is something I have been asking for since 2014! Excellent for immersion, roleplay, and general depth of the consumables system!
  13. obidan66

    Dissolvable Bodies

    I generally like the idea, but I think it would need to be balanced out. Perhaps the time for bodies to disappear would need to be raised to 30-45 minutes. I'd also like the bodies to not dissolve instantly, but rather gradually with different stages of visible decay. First, they would...
  14. obidan66

    Craftable Gambling Tables / Stations + More additional gambling tables

    That is of course something which would have to be treated as a serious rule break / bannable offense.
  15. obidan66

    Shared suppressor attachment.

    I did say they exist. You obviously haven't read my entire argument.
  16. obidan66

    Shared suppressor attachment.

    I must disagree with this. I personally feel like it would not only be extremely unrealistic, which draws away from the main theme of the server, especially the weapon system that is quite detailed. You cant fire a 45. ACP bullet through a 9x19mm Suppressor no matter how much you want it to...
  17. obidan66

    Craftable Gambling Tables / Stations + More additional gambling tables

    Description of the idea: The idea here is rather simple, as many of you know the Poker tables have been added a few years back, but have rarely seen any use. Lately, with the Continental Hotel organization taking initiative on gambling, mainly in the form of Small Stakes and High Stakes Poker...
  18. obidan66

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @Sneaky I haven't mentioned CNN a single time. I said, look for foreign sources of information or alternative news outlets that stand on neither side. Nobody is perfect, but Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, probably a criminal (tax fraud), Russian collaborator which also makes him a traitor...
  19. obidan66

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @Aquaa Have you considered researching your information from independent news outlets? Maybe those who would have nothing to gain from spreading their propaganda? Like maybe even going to foreign ones? I bet that hasn't even crossed your mind, cause trust me... Fox News isn't a news network...
  20. obidan66

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @Aquaa That's... Simply not true. Like, not even a single part of it mate. 2 months before Covid reached the US, he fired the teams of people and dismantled the systems put in by the previous administrations to make sure that the spread of these deceases was anticipated, monitored and well...
  21. obidan66

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @Aquaa I like you bro. But ignorance is bliss I suppose.
  22. obidan66

    Roleplay Acknowledgement

    If you mean your 2.1 RP, then never.
  23. obidan66

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @Eviction Notice People would still die, yes. But We will never know if it would've only been hundreds had the orange idiot not made those decisions. Therefore, he is responsible for all of them, as he is the head of state, the commander in chief, the president.
  24. obidan66

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @DANIEL_ Oh don't worry, he's on his way there. In my opinion that comparison is chillingly accurate. 6 mil is just around the corner from 72.000
  25. obidan66

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    @BigBenji Trump is now directly responsible for the deaths of 72.000 people due to the Coronavirus and him being responsible for firing the people and dismantling the systems the previous administrations put in place to prevent exactly this, he disbanded and disabled those systems and fired...
  26. obidan66

    pOliCe MiLiTaRiSaTiOn

    Lowkey this is actually sad. I once considered the United States to be the gold standard of progress, freedom, and opportunity in the world. Now its a joke the rest of the world laughs at... Mainly because the country is run by a man that I have no problem comparing to a third world country...
  27. obidan66

    @flugs I'd be more than happy to do the interview. I've looked at your page and very much like...

    @flugs I'd be more than happy to do the interview. I've looked at your page and very much like what I see. Also, Tomiko Ashimura, one of your members was one of my Underbosses when I was the Godfather of the Paralake Partnership organization, so I believe Id fit right in.
  28. obidan66

    Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @Kenty Even when allowing this to persist is against the very rules that you, as a moderator are supposed to uphold and enforce? It seems kinda strange to see a PH moderator actually defending FailRP. Also did you just really say "People may break rules" as a staff member? Now that's just all...
  29. obidan66

    Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    @smo Every now and again, sure. Arguably I'd play a lot more if things changed towards a more serious and original design, as the server was originally intended to be.
  30. obidan66

    Ban on non-roleplay organizations

    People are allowed to have fun. For many people who are interested in roleplay servers such as this one, roleplaying is fun, among other things. Since roleplay is the main theme here, it should come without saying that not roleplaying or Fail RPing should not be allowed at all, however sadly...