Perpheads meeting recording with timestamps

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There was an absolute shitload of questions but ive written down almost everything. big ups to @Code Monkey for activiely contributing and big fucking up to @Adrish for making it entertaining as FUCK.
Timestamps belowww
Edit: obviously these questions are interpred by me as some have no idea how to ask questions so the questions below do not nessesily reflect the authors question or statement
I'd format the timestamps more nicely below but the bbcode for tables doesn't work and neither do tabs. probably wanna view this on desktop.

02:30 unkown - is a new player guide in development?

03:30 @Husky - how do you plan on fixing the current state of the staff team

04:40 @Code Monkey - remark about madda's inactivity

05:42 @Code Monkey - progress on paralake V5 (more directed towards madda)

06:31 @Bert - what will you do about the forum censorship(removed ratings, 'The AS50 Incident' )

07:59 @Code Monkey - incident where tinyslayer changed forum ratings regarding 'The Incident'

09:04 @Inchs - Regarding the staff powers of developers

11:12 @Palodhi - Is the PD staying as it is now of will we expect future changes regarding the blacklist(probably ment whitelist here)

12:39 @ALOO89 - When is V5?

14:04 Unkown - What about the map suggestions? When will they be looked at?

14:46 J2K - Are you allowed to kill someone for forcibly trying to suck someones dick?

15:38 unkown - will there be stronger punishments for toxicity in the future?

17:00 @Code Monkey - Do helpers have the ability to remove OOC messages?

17:42 @Code Monkey - Should helpers get a sort of report system aswell so you can ask helpers for help?

18:31 @Sossa - When are we gonna record ban disputes

20:30 @Code Monkey - regarding the inactivity with administrators

20:18 @Code Monkey - why was the senior moderator rank created when they couldve been promoted to administrators to replace inactive admins

22:00 discussion between bolli and code monkey regarding administrators, what they can do blablablabla

24:12 @Youseff - helpers dealing with staff complaints, but helpers will be punished like normal players? ( will be considered staff members)

24:53 @Inchs - why was daymon given helper after being demoted twice

25:03 alex : daymon has bipolar!!!!!!
25:39 @ICEKILLER_99 - why dont helpers have access to logs when they have certain powers

26:17 @Daigestive - wants his forum ban appealed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26:45 itsaquaaHD - No question
27:12 unkown - will rules like 2.5 and 3.4 be enforced more to stop minging

27:28 @roxie - will more ranks just create more inactive staff?

29:12 @Code Monkey - big bias towards americans in staff

30:36 dom - when 1/3 admins are active on the server why have the other 2 a say in staff meetings



34:51 israelLOVER - why is madda very inactive

35:00 @Duffy - Ayjay has been appointed to community manager: 1. is there a reason hes not present; 2. what are we supposed to expect from Ayjay to do

36:54 @Duffy - Is anyone going to support Ayjay/The Community Manager in his tasks?

37:30 @ItsAquaaHD - its unessesary to add more ranks because that gives them sort of a god complex'

39:20 @Aquaa - remark regarding the discrimination against murican code monkey'

39:53 @roxie - grinding in administration; isnt the mentality 'being something for the stake of being' for staff a problem?

41:38 i dont know what the question was here

41:44 @Adrish - helpers have less requirements what happens when theres loads of inactive helpers that dont do anything?

42:56 @Adrish - 100$ BET THAT A HELPER WILL ABUSE!

43:10 @Adrish - Senior moderator is false hope for progression

44:21 @Adrish - The playerbase is inactive because the staff is inactive

45:10 @Adrish noclips to car garage

45:50 @Adrish - staff ranks shouldnt be such a big thing, there are great people who can handle staff

46:25 @Adrish - Why cant staff respond more to any of the controversial beef threads regarding the community(eg formal statements)

48:57 @Adrish - The community needs to know more what the staff team is doing and the staff team is inefficient as fuck

49:58 @Adrish - Why do admins take so long to respond to a simple rdm reports

50:31 Code monkey - something about the helper rank that should be given out more

52:00 adrish - more stuff about the helper rank

52:58 Adrish - what are the things admins should be doing? whats their job description

53:30 Adrish - Admin report quota; admins should have more things to do

55:00 Alex - Just because someones an admin with a high report count doesnt mean there are doing a good job

55:00 discussion between alex, Adrish and others regarding performance of certain ranks

56:41 Adrish - When V5?

57:10 Yousseff - There are only 2 people working on the map, but we have a whole community. can community help out

67:41 @Inchs was told to kill himself when he asked to help on the map

58:34 why was the dumb rating removed

58:56 Are there more legal job opportunities on their way?

59:40 why is the PLPD cutting down on ranks?
01:01:10 @Adrish - Some disputes go on for very long and just get denied becaused the ban has expired at that point

01:02:38 @finlay3110 - Follow up question regarding adrish's dispute question i didnt understand

01:06:50 @roxie - joins in on discussion on ban times appeals blablabla same as 2 questions above this was a long discussion

01:08:00 @Dom_ - People with 1/2 warnings getting a 1/3/6 month ban for something stupid

01:10:25 @Adrish - Why are staff complaints taking so long to deal with (will be answered later)

01:10:45 Would it be plausible to introduce a rank similar to helper solely for the forums

01:11:02 Will cocain prices be ever increased?

01:11:40 Are there plants to reduce inactivity in community positions eg PD and senior administrations

01:13:27 @Aquaa - Proposed something on the PD slack to get rid of activity requirements, could help the Helper role;

01:41:50 @Aquaa still hasnt been added back to the Slack after being unbanned :(

01:16:00 TFU APPS WHEN
01:16:36 Having played GTA ive noticed the toxicity in PERP. How can large communities maintain such a standard and perp cant

01:17:25 Icekiller has an answer to toxicity and GMOD has to many children!

01:18:15 looking back at the previous years, what was the peak of the community? why did it decline? any future plans

01:19:35 @Code Monkey - why does feng still have a community ban. why does the 'fuck feng' mentality still belong here

01:20:19 @obidan66 - 2015 org reform thing got released and since then mingy organisations are previlient and that made an impact on toxicity

01:22:00 @Fredy responds to the decline tldr: not attractives to new players
01:25:00 @Code Monkey - reponds to feng situation

01:27:00 @Fredy responds more to feng regarding feng passing personal phone numbers and calling family members

01:28:28 Is there a way we can start promoting more roleplay?

02:31:00 @Adrish - racist roleplay something about rules blabla

01:32:30 @Duffy - Protecting passive roleplayers more

01:34 discussion regarding dead server and the PD, no new players ETC ETC

01:40:30 When can we have a map where you , do not mine, roleplay, not raid WHAT

01:48:50 when can we have more transparancy in the police department

01:49:40 who gets elite member and when and why do they get removed

01:43:10 @Daigestive talks about command positions doing absolutely nothing and other PD stuff

01:46:20 @finlay3110 - Rebrand ?!?!?!??! 1. pd has been departementalized something something i didnt follow here but its PD question no. 548


01:50:42 @roxie - the gamemode is dying etc etc. gmod is old. something about integrating them more

01:52:00 something about suggestions

01:53:00 @FatGeorge - give players the option to select spawn (CAR GARAGE RUN WILL BE NO MORE IN V5!)

01:54:29 steven fucked the running system

01:51:44 Lou Asshole @DJ Conyo - 1. why is aquaa not head of TFU.


01:56:50 @Suspine - Staff acted innapropiately (nonces) what will be done about it

01:57:50 I noticed players abusing their medical condition in admin sits and it seems to be working

01:59:50 @Atomic- When can we get more ways of earning money

02:00:12 @Husky - gaping hole in the staff team was it nessesary to add more roles

02:02:20 server should be brought back to equal grounds?!?!?!

02:02:40 @Adrish - return to his question about staff complaints

02:03:47 @DJ Conyo - Conyo remix needs to be on the loading screen

02:05:00 @Adrish - make drugs easier

02:06:30 @Adrish - Discord

02:07:40 @Dai - Where do you see the server in 1 years time

02:09:36 @Husky - how does perp go from serious RP to cops and robbers into a year and a half

01:12:10 @Archibald/@rogue - why is the gamemode on the browser named PerpheadsPERP

02:14:25 @finlay3110 has an actual question this time - The player mentality as in making ARs for tiny things adds to toxicity

02:16:55 @Husky - Too many reports agrees with finlay something something

02:18:30 @Fredy mad because aquaa was cheating!!!!!!!!!

02:19:00 Something about replacing the demo system

02:19:30 @Husky - about ayjay and his community conduct after resigning doesnt deserve him his role of community manager(he doesnt nessesarily disagree)

02:20:30 @Husky - Devs have too much powers

02:21:11 When will compensators be removed? Fredy thinks they look cool

02:23:30 when will clothing be fixed/will the be reverted/can the community help

02:25:50 will the physgun be given to non vips

02:26:54 tylajai asks a question that has been asked 43495 times at this point
02:28:40 tony morley - another question about ayjay being community manager when hes not active
02:32:00 CANCER
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Thanks for all the support guys, I've been part of PERP for a while and it's quite upsetting watching it go to shit. Didn't mean to shout at the staff team for 10 mins, just wanted to voice my actual concerns. There's obviously still a bit more that has gone past unanswered and I'm sure we'll have another community meeting to clear up any other questions.

I hope you'll all be helping me run for Community Manager, #MakePERPGreatAgain
For anyone wondering about the "leaks" @Madda mentioned about v5, I've found these that were sent in shoutbox, there might have been more but for whatever reason I can't find them, shoutbox might have been purged

Not at all lol, I was curious myself so decided to look for them as I can do it much more easily through shoutbox archive so I thought I'd share too
Whoa, nice office. Bigger than the other offices I’ve seen. Nice girth, weight, lovely top. Could do with a trim. Overall, I rate it, a liberal 8/10.