Search results

  1. Ban Dispute (BenJ)

    Involved. I was the officer that shot you down. When I arrived I saw you randomly kill one officer then another then attempt to kill me. You didn’t really value your life considering I had a pistol and you had a machete.
  2. Refund Request (Ak101. IDK what attachments it had on it as I don't pay attention too it.

    Involved. The plpd penal code states take the most direct route to storage. However in this case you did not take the most direct route.. all you have posted is a screenshot with it on your back and no further evidence such as a video or ar. This was already dealt with in game by a supervisor...
  3. Police Suggestion Idea for purchasing police equipment without it being too painful or game changing

    I have no idea why this was removed. People think cops having pistols with sights is overpowered are the type of people who raid with a ppk. + support
  4. Rule Changes (08/06/2021)

    Would for example You place an order on the website Pay in character via bank transfer and confirm with a screenshot money was sent Then receive items when ready would that be okay?
  5. The PH Fixers

    Well this doesn’t seem like a scam
  6. Server Suggestion Allow yourself to be banned from gamling at the casino front desk

    Who needs an economy reset when you have a casino not ran by players
  7. V5 development thread

    V5 is a myth
  8. Police Suggestion Allow defendants to always view evidence

    @joey i have to agree with you on this one. It’s always confused me as to why defendants can’t view evidence. Not only does it put them at a disadvantage but you will get suitatuon where an IA has been made on you because of something a week ago and you genuinely don’t remember the suitatuon...
  9. $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

  10. need assistance

    This is literally academic misconduct. Don’t do it. Use stack overflow plus you will be up shit creek if your prof asked how you did it
  11. So petty

    So petty
  12. US Election

    trumps a little bit upset
  13. US Election

    Also can nevada hurry the fuck up please
  14. Fake steam login scam

    Confirmed. Hackers from Russia
  15. The Corleone Mafia - Applications OPEN

    Ingame name: Riley West Steam Name: Tetra Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75268988 Total playtime: 6 mo Are you a VIP: yes List of all cars owned: Ford Transit What can you craft: Level 30 When are you mostly online: evenings In which organizations have you been: VOM, Perptrators, Moscow 17 Why do you...
  16. Finlay dropped his latest track

    I approve of this post
  17. The hero we need not the one we deserve

    The hero we need not the one we deserve
  18. Perspective

    Well it happened lads Opened the post to find my P45 neatly folded inside. I’m one of the lucky ones. I sent my CV to over 20 places and was able to get a job as a covid-19 tester. However this whole situtation has really allowed me to take a step back and to think. I’m just a student but I...
  19. Shout box ban

    Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Clarky How long were you banned for: 2 days Your Steam Name:n.a Your In-game Name: n.a Your Steam ID: n.a Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) Why should this appeal be...
  20. Selling coca seeds - TAKING BULK ORDERS - LOWER THAN DD PRICE

    @Tyla Jai (call the PCA)
  21. Time is a flat Circle

    Time is a flat Circle
  22. You banned a certain person?

    You banned a certain person?
  23. Wait I think I figured it out

    Wait I think I figured it out
  24. What did he do?

    What did he do?
  25. Arabic Nokia Ringtone

    Can we set it up so it’s a custom ringtone using a YouTube url? Similar to how the TV’s work
  26. Ahh yes “your brother did it”

    Ahh yes “your brother did it”
  27. Billy Ray going for now..

    Billy ray has always kept in character. He’s the best role player on the server. Sad to see ya go. #freebillyray
  28. M26C Taser

    @Samuel collectible item?
  29. M26C Taser

    Afaik it can’t be mugged
  30. M26C Taser

    Prove you actually have the cash