- Staff
- #1

As a result of the most recent admin meeting, a new rule has been introduced regarding off-server transactions, gambling sites, item orders, loan systems and deposit systems. This change was made to sustain the in-character economy and allow for more oversight of off-server agreements relating to in-character transactions through use of "the Internet" section of the Forums. We also aim to encourage players to join the server to carry out in-character transactions and agreements rather than allowing for money to be made whilst players are not in-game.
We are, however, aware that players might have pending transactions that aren't resolved. To help smooth these over, we will be granting a 14 day grace period starting today to clear up existing agreements.
Off-server transaction disputes will henceforth no longer be settled by the staff team and can be resolved by the involved parties instead.
Rule Changes
- 3.31 - Transactions
All transactions relating to items or money must take place entirely in-character and on the server. Agreements to perform a transaction may be made on external websites such as “The Internet” section of the forums, but the full transaction must take place in-character and follow the in-character rules.
Examples of off-server websites are not allowed or supported: Loans, gambling, pre-payment item orders, deposit systems.
Informal agreements made between friends can exist out of character, off the server or across multiple lives. However, this is done at their own risk and the transactions are not enforceable by the staff team. Examples of this include: Lending a friend some money, providing payment for crafting materials.
- 2.8 - Sexual roleplay
In order to help preserve gameplay, sexual acts of any kind may not be performed.
It is also not allowed to display pornographic content of any sort on TVs.
- 4.4 - Road Crew Workers
Typically, Road Crew Workers may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. To impound/boot a vehicle, roadcrew must have been authorized to do so by a law-enforcement personnel, unless the vehicle is abandoned and fully blocking a road.
Road Crew Workers must inform law-enforcement personnel if they have repaired a vehicle that was damaged as a result of a crime.
Road Crew Workers may charge a fee of up to $500 for each of repairing, un-booting or un-impounding a vehicle.
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