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  1. Perpheads airsoft meet up?

    If this goes ahead everyone gets to firing line me on single shot only. everyone gets to shoot me 5 times.
  2. Perpheads airsoft meet up?

    So anyway lads info in regards on how to get to the site. Three options 1.Take your car straight to the site 2.Take a train to swansea station 3. TAke a bus to swansea bus station (If you do this you are a mad man) 4. row boat (do an Arron) 5. swim 6. Walk If you use methods 2-3 pickup can be...
  3. Perpheads airsoft meet up?

    Updated with more info including 3D render of the site (done by someone with a drone
  4. Perpheads airsoft meet up?

    Luckily since it is close to swansea train links are very good. If people need to get up from the bus station/train station I am sure something can be arranged.
  5. Perpheads airsoft meet up?

    (On phone) If you read my post it is not in swansea
  6. Perpheads airsoft meet up?

    Hello everyone. Now to my understanding quite a few players in the community are interested in the sport of Airsoft so I have decided to see what people's opinions would be if we were to do an airsoft meet up thing. The ideal site would be somewhere which can cater for both skirmishes,CQB and...
  7. Forum Rollback

    Dont worry boli I made sure to do as you said