Search results

  1. Ysauzi

    fucking closet weeb change your pfp to anime waifu like a real man

    fucking closet weeb change your pfp to anime waifu like a real man
  2. Ysauzi

    Mouse Problem PERP

    sensor on your mouse not working properly get a new mouse
  3. Ysauzi

    smegma asthma twitch smellin asscrackhead

    smegma asthma twitch smellin asscrackhead
  4. Ysauzi

    Weekend 1/6

    this was really bad dude
  5. Ysauzi

    ugly ass fox girl where the big anime titties

    ugly ass fox girl where the big anime titties
  6. Ysauzi

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    could you make a discord for this so we can shit talk each other after each fight
  7. Ysauzi

    Event Suggestion mini cooper race

    Event Name: mini cooper race Location of Event: anywhere Description of Event: you race from point a to point b with mini coopers first on to reach the goal wins Why should this event be added?: it was a thing before and was fun why not bring it back?
  8. Ysauzi

    another shooting montage

  9. Ysauzi

    petition to put shoutbox up again and allow free speech

  10. Ysauzi


    deadass molotoved the shop just to destroy his items which is 2.5 altough since they are in orange suits i guess it gives them immunity to punishment
  11. Ysauzi

    Is VR worth it?

    its what i heard from other users and yea its slowly going away for me
  12. Ysauzi

    Is VR worth it?

    if you dont talk to other people in VR i guess it gets boring since all you have is the guns
  13. Ysauzi

    Is VR worth it?

    i got my rift S like 4 days ago and its a blast. only bad thing about it is motion sickness but that goes away after a week of use (its much better now than then at the start)
  14. Ysauzi

    Top 5 worst rapper of all time

    @Sneaky its good music man and funny "Eatin' Oreos like these white girls that blow me "
  15. Ysauzi

    when are you gonna change your profile picture

    when are you gonna change your profile picture
  16. Ysauzi

    Top 5 worst rapper of all time

    childish gambino is nice
  17. Ysauzi

    Top 5 worst rapper of all time

    bro synatecs music is fire :100: :fire:
  18. Ysauzi

    Ar on mac

    thats what they all say
  19. Ysauzi

    Crazy shit that happened at your school

    one little autistic adhd chinese guy got in a fight with a kurd and took a knife from home economics and tried stabbing him with it
  20. Ysauzi

    Where do you put your nail clippings???

    kira yoshikage IRL
  21. Ysauzi

    What do you do with dead pets

  22. Ysauzi

    Where do you put your nail clippings???

    who the fuck doesnt flush their toe nails and clip their finger nails in the sink imagine bro
  23. Ysauzi

    Simple beginner guide to earning money on PERP

    step 1: get guide to get more people to fish step 2: mug them step 3: profit
  24. Ysauzi

    [IMG] clown of the week goes to ...

    clown of the week goes to ...
  25. Ysauzi

    Bojing's Montage

    im the best thing in this montage
  26. Ysauzi

    who are you?

    who are you?
  27. Ysauzi

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    what a madlad
  28. Ysauzi

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    bro he dindu nuffin
  29. Ysauzi

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    @Yasha Literally no one understands a word you are saying
  30. Ysauzi

    AR Jer
