Mouse Problem PERP

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Everytime I try to go "fast" to the right side or left side, my character stops.

Is this my issue or is PERP related problem?

if your mousepad is plastic-ish, get a cloth one instead
or maybe the sensors on your mouse is wack
Could it have something to do with your polling rate? Mine used to do that on one certain game and I turned my polling rate down and it fixed it
Could be that flicking is impossible because your mouse's going off screen onto your other monitor.
Corsair Harpoon RGB
is the name of the mouse.
I have no idea what the polling rate does, but could it be a problem with it?
Polling rate is how often your computer checks the signal from your mouse. Hz = per second. So 1000Hz polling rate means your computer will check your mouse input 1000 times a second.
Does it do the same thing on other servers?

Make sure that in settings: mouse filter is off, raw input is on and mouse acceleration is off.
I just did what u told me - Still does it.
Haven't tried it on other servers - I'll actually do that.
I have the exact same mouse, but with my old mouse I used to have your glitch. Something to do with when your pc updates the location of your mouse
Lower polling rate to 125hz see if it fixed, if so, go to 250, 500, 1000