Search results

  1. mango

    ar on nutrient man

    Closed Insufficient evidence.
  2. mango

    RR @Mango

    Accepted Contact Senior-Administration in-game to receive your refund.
  3. mango

    ar on nutrient man

    Pending Upload evidence otherwise this AR will be closed.
  4. mango

    AR on mutiple for 2.5

    Accepted The location it took place was still public and it's also defined within the rules that you cannot force a player out of a public location with the intention of mugging them: "Players may not be forced to move out of public view under gunpoint prior to the mugging." @XPGamingXPDK will...
  5. mango


  6. mango

    What made you stick around?

    Found a video of policing on YouTube years ago - first thing that happened was me getting kidnapped and mugged by Ezrider - and I honestly don't know why I'm still here
  7. mango roulette

    Just found out that there are loads of these accounts on LightShot and they're all scams. They have like $30 in and need you to deposit more so you can withdraw, they all look legit. Just done some research on it :(
  8. mango roulette

    this guy might actually put a whole bitcoin in today wtf
  9. mango roulette

    Found a login to a bitcoin account that works
  10. mango


  11. mango

    Ban Appeal @Mango

    Mass RDMing probably took more effort than this appeal.
  12. mango

    Police Suggestion Taser Officers

    surely can't care much about a taser if they're inactive then lol
  13. mango

    Police Suggestion Taser Officers

    The tasers were removed because of the excessive amounts of IA complaints they caused and people consistently complaining about excessive use of force. Therefore, only Senior Officers can now obtain a taser and it's helped quite a bit. Although normal officers do have firearms, quite a vast...
  14. mango

    [Unban: *:.Aperture.:* ]

    Accepted Please read over the rules, especially 2.5, over the remainder of your ban duration. Ban reduced to 1 day.
  15. mango

    Regarding recent incidents

    They're both CWB'ed.
  16. mango

    Regarding recent incidents

    I also have evidence of this person admitting too. I don't see a reason not to completely exile him. This lack of transparency is one of the reasons I've /left/ the community.
  17. mango

    Regarding recent incidents

    I was just about to say the same thing. What has just transpired should lead to said person being exiled from the community completely, but not even a ban has been enacted yet, which worries me.
  18. mango


    Just to clarify, no I'm not a nonce. Cutting straight to the point, it doesn't need an explanation to realise that there are sex offenders in this community and the fact that both of them were staff members. There are also a lot more rumours going around about current staff members and I...
  19. mango


    Denied @LilChicken timed out multiple times. We cannot punish a user for timing out during an RP situation. If this becomes a recurring issue then we will notice and punish him for his actions. Reviewed with @Shay
  20. mango

    Dai is targetting me please ban him

    Closed User is permanently banned from the server.
  21. mango

    Uno Reverse card

    @Daigestive had already shot at @FatGeorge whilst raiding the property, leading him to believe he was still going to kill him. Not only that, Daigestive was being shot at and was about to die whilst shooting George. Reviewed by myself and @Shay.
  22. mango

    Ar on mass rdmer

    Pending @ItsVasili Please justify your actions within 48 hours otherwise this Action Request will be accepted.
  23. mango

    Lynx Africa?

    you sweat tarkov all day, that's u not me
  24. mango

    Lynx Africa?

    first christmas in years that I didn't get any
  25. mango

    congratulations poki

    congratulations poki
  26. mango


    Closed on request.
  27. mango

    AR on Dräjj

    You're hilarious.
  28. mango

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  29. mango

    windows and doors purple rest works fine

    Don't think this is the cause, but you could try running mat_specular 0 or 1 and see if that helps; don't run it whilst in a server otherwise your game will crash.
  30. mango

