Search results

  1. mango

    Lydus Corvinus - Apology

  2. mango

    AR Marcus Hudson (ban this minge)

    Thread will be locked until it's dealt with.
  3. mango

    AR on ??

    Accepted It wasn't a very smart idea calling the police whilst knowing you're warranted and shooting them as they arrive. @Kay will receive a warning for breaking 3.4. Reviewed with @SpaceShots.
  4. mango

    Stealing my car from infront of PD

    Accepted Although all cops were killed, it's still not a very smart idea to steal a car in-front of a police department alongside there being multiple NPCs that are permanently there. No formal punishment will be given and Dai will be spoken to about his actions since he is forum banned...
  5. mango

    RR HK45 with fully loaded mag

  6. mango


    Accepted Contact Senior-Administration in-game to receive your items.
  7. mango

    Refund Request

    Accepted Contact Senior-Administration in-game to receive your refund.
  8. mango

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  9. mango


    Accepted Tomo's actions were justified and there were no issues with locking the doors. However, after people in the apartment were talking about storing the weapons, the raiders clearly said don't store, even in LOOC, and even shot bullets at you to alert you that the raid was not over...
  10. mango

    Ar on tyrone watson

    Denied Reviewed with @SpaceShots
  11. mango

    60+12 weed seeds

    Accepted Contact Senior-Administration in-game to receive your refund; you will only receive 12 pots and 12 weed seeds.
  12. mango

    confiscated weed

  13. mango

    medic blocked me

    Closed User was already dealt with in-game.
  14. mango

    Richard James Metagaming

    Closed on request
  15. mango

    Marcus Thunder Ban Appeal - @Mango

  16. mango

    AR on kamikaze cop

    Accepted User will receive a warning for their actions.
  17. mango


    Pending @Ezza, please upload the whole situation within 48 hours.
  18. mango


    Accepted-ish You weren't pointing the gun when giving commands and was on whisper the whole time, therefore Ophelia could not hear you nor know what you wanted. However, @Clazzaayy will receive a warning for 3.4 as although your gun was in passive, there was still a direct threat to his life...
  19. mango

    AR on kamikaze cop

    Pending @Fusions, provide your perspective within 24 hours otherwise this AR will be accepted.
  20. mango

    Ar on Joe Mudda @Mango

    Denied Although the medic bandaged you first, he attempted to heal you straight after and this didn't make much of a difference as you would have died anyway. Reviewed with @SpaceShots
  21. mango

    Ar on Joe Mudda @Mango

    Pending Can you upload a longer clip showing the full situation?
  22. mango

    Greg Ban dispute

    Denied You should have waited until the officer left rather than causing a shootout with police and putting your freedom and life at risk prematurely. Reviewed by myself, @McGlinchy and @Lelios.
  23. mango

    my first ever 2 minute project

    my first ever 2 minute project
  24. mango

    ts ban dispute

    Denied Reviewed by @Super_, @blobvis 2.0, @Dom_ and myself.
  25. mango

    Refund Request @Gimic @Mango

    Accepted Contact Senior-Administration in-game to receive your refund.
  26. mango

    Minecraft server

    sorry gave you the wrong plugin
  27. mango

    Happy Late Birthday

    Happy Late Birthday
  28. mango

    Ban Appeal for Kay @Brinch

    As I've said before, it's nearly been two years since he was banned and both people affected accept his apology. We've both spoken to him on Teamspeak and he is more mature than he was when this happened and I believe he should be given another chance.
  29. mango


    I very rarely make recommendations but I felt as if this was a necessity to make. @Envionic just gave me $380,000 so I could buy my car and even paid for the taxes, without me asking or doing anything. Besides what happened with me, I always see Envionic attempting to create role-play and is...
  30. mango

    Scone or Scone?
