Lydus Corvinus - Apology

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Mango
How long were you banned for: 7 Days

Your Steam Name
: Lydus Corvinus
Your In-game Name: Decimus Meridius
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:17414969

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 2.5 - User threw a grenade inside Bank in an attempt to kill one person, but ended up killing innocent civilians alongside said person

Why should this appeal be considered:
First off I want to say a massive sorry to @Mango and all of the users who's RP I affected by my stupid actions, especialy @Shokron. In no way or form should I have thrown a nade to kill Lemar when he had a lot of people stood around him. It was just a fit of rage which is not normal of me to be honest.

I am aware it affected many peoples RP and could of quite easily detered (x) amount of people from the server and this is not in my interest and above all forced you to take your time to deal with me.

Now I've had a moment to sit back and reflect, I can safely say you are a really really good moderator and I am truly sorry for throwing the nade, it was a mistake that will not happen again.

The way you handled the whole thing was calm and professional.

I shouldent of spoke to you the way I did being a cocky cunt because you dont deserve that, you carried out your job extensively trying to gather as much information as you could about the situation and I feel as if it was any other admin/mod, I'd be on the end of a heafty ban period.

I want you to know I do regret the way I spoke to you, speaking over you, the way I exited the server. Its not fucking on man, I hope you can forgive me as its not usualy in my charecter to do this.

When I am back, I will apologise in person as I feel it is warrented out of respect. I hope this dosen't linger between us.
I respect you and can only hope you can accept this apology.

Thanks for reading.

Additional Comment(s): @Mango
yes sir i completely forgive you... i didnt even know u threw it to kill me i thought it was just a random nade
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