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  1. Chopper

    The point of rape is that you didn't give consent

    The point of rape is that you didn't give consent
  2. Chopper Sums you up nicely, you were always my... Sums you up nicely, you were always my favourite rapee
  3. Chopper

    The Jewish Mafia

    What about skull caps?
  4. Chopper

    Your job?

    I Just wank all day
  5. Chopper

    Why I think Perpheads is dying.

    Fuck sake we have had enough of all these perp is dying posts, let it die in peace
  6. Chopper

    This Is Why I Love Perpheads...

    Permaban them
  7. Chopper

    Trauk's non 3.4 montage xd

    @ 0:13 must have seen a ghost
  8. Chopper

    You are quite a gay cunt

    You are quite a gay cunt
  9. Chopper

    Melee Overhaul And Additions

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: The idea of this suggestion is to add more melee weapons and to overhaul a few aspects to the melee system. I think the melee weapons are a bit of a joke at the moment, when someone pulls out a knife...
  10. Chopper

    Best back up car

    I personally own the BMW M5 E60 for the reasons you mentioned above, it has 4 seats, 4 trunk space and goes 95 fully upgraded. It was around 950k. Each upgrade is just over 400k each and with the body kit and paint i easily put 2mill into it
  11. Chopper

    Action Request on Lukas Oliver and Unknown

    What a fucking joke did you forget that you raided 4 business shops with bombs and assault rifles? Joe was the only raider to survive the raid and went to jail i presume. We were looking for him no less than 30mins maybe even longer. We found him a few times but couldnt get to kill him and the...
  12. Chopper


    Your in-game name: Kane Archibald Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51827207 What do you need refunded: 1x Full M1911 and 8550k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: A new player called da cops under GP which led to my arrest and my gun confiscated. I also received an 8550k ticket Evidence...
  13. Chopper

    AR on Lukas Oliver + Kane Archibald

    I dont know where to start really, you claim you have been RDMed 4 times but i only see you dying once in the evidence you provided. The reason you were killed in the video was because you attempted to kill our friend luckily he was revived and managed to remember you and so we got revenge. Sure...
  14. Chopper

    AR on Demetri Blackman

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: AMERICAN Colonel / Demetri Blackman His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73871219 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 User called the cops after being kidnapped and brought to hicktown, this led to the cops arresting us and getting hefty...
  15. Chopper

    AR on Illusion

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Illusion™ /Joe Diamond His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:91126000 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 pulled out a gun under GP Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: N/A I would like to point out this whole situation occurred because of a guy we...
  16. Chopper

    ill burst ye

    ill burst ye
  17. Chopper

    Perpheads v5 avatar system.

    That is what i picture Shaun looking like IRL
  18. Chopper

    PERP Montage #3

    no party bus clips i am dissapointed
  19. Chopper

    when people are high at 8 am

    Was i the only guy who didn't understand one word?
  20. Chopper

    Longer prison sentences?

    I would love to see jail times increases but there are a few problems, like number of jail cells is limited etc. The way i see it you should be able to kill anyone, anywhere if you have the right reasons no 3.4 bullshit. There should be enough IC punishments to stop people committing day...
  21. Chopper

    You have 24 hours to live.

    Would rob a food bank
  22. Chopper

    Happy Bday bro!

    Happy Bday bro!
  23. Chopper

    AR on Illusion

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Illusion / Hoe Diamond His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:91126000 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 He was not following commands given to him when he had a gun to his head He didn't drop all the items when we took them from him...
  24. Chopper

    Its a shame about your ban but you can always come back on an alt account right?

    Its a shame about your ban but you can always come back on an alt account right?
  25. Chopper

    Especially when they have just been shot 4 times and is bleeding to death

    Especially when they have just been shot 4 times and is bleeding to death
  26. Chopper

    Guy bleeding to death > roughs him up a bit for a joke.

    Guy bleeding to death > roughs him up a bit for a joke.
  27. Chopper

    sorry i couldnt read that could you maybe retype it

    sorry i couldnt read that could you maybe retype it
  28. Chopper

    AR on a few

    You know when you are killed you forget all your enemies names? We killed you yesterday and also witnessed you die so we would not know each other IC so are you breaking NLR or just meta gaming? Do you know what passively means its pretty much the opposite of being a knob so make up your mind...
  29. Chopper

    AR on a few

    Your Steam/In-game Name: His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Marcus Cromwell Marcus Hudson / Marcuss #RACXES4ADMIN Joe Diamond / Illusion His/Her SteamID: Marcus Hudson - STEAM_0:1:205542456 Marcus Cromwell Joe Diamond - STEAM_0:1:91126000 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Marcus Hudson 2.5 also...
  30. Chopper

    [CASINO] Add Blackjack

    I have no clue how to play poker so bring blackjack into the game +Support